Mission 2

398 23 10

A/N: once again this contains violence, uhm blood, and I guess suggestive material?? Lol but yeah I hope you enjoy!


I gulped, averting my gaze once again to the ceiling.
I cleared my throat, "Uhm, good afternoon."

"Come a little closer." The woman slid her hand over the bedsheets quite seductively.

"N- no thank you... look, I didn't know that this was uh, well that this hotel was like this. I- I didn't want to do anything like *that*, but here..."

I threw her a crumpled $20 bill tip,
"You can uhm, go- go somewhere else I uh, have to go meet my boyfriend somewhere now."

She looked extremely shocked and embarrassed. "Oh my god.. I'm so sorry!!"
The woman's face went the shade of the white bedsheets, and gave an utterly sincere expression of apology.

"No, no I'm sorry that uh, well you got me." I responded.

"That's not at all an issue, I'll be leaving now." She continued to apologize as she headed out the door that I held open for her.

I let out a sigh, in my thoughts for a moment, before remembering Bokuto.

I ran out the room and turned to face his door.
"Bokuto?!" No answer.

"Can I come in?!" I knocked, once again with no response. I opened the door it was unlocked and there was a slight gap already.

I turned the corner to see, well, quite the sight.

The woman on the bed was straddling Bokuto's waist, her hand covering the lips on his beet-red face. He gripped the bedsheets on either side of him and looked more flustered than I'd ever seen him before, the whites of his eyes showing largely.

Multiple plans ran their way through my head as usual. The woman had yet to see me, but was moving onto him fast.

I decided on a plan and started to remove my tie and unbutton my shirt. I walked over, trying not to laugh or smile.

"I'll take it from here." I said to the woman, concealing my laugh even more. She looked up at me in confusion.

"He doesn't exactly.. swing that way." The pain in my chest from trying to keep in the laughter was almost too much.

The woman got up, looking slightly disappointed, swinging his tie on her index finger.
"Oh, I see." She dropped it on his slightly unbuttoned shirt, scoffing, before turning away, and leaving quite quickly.

When I heard the door close, I burst into one of the largest laughing fits I'd had in my entire life. Snorting and gasping for breath, it hurt my cheeks and ribs, and I knew Bokuto was in pain, yet after his slight shock wore off, he laughed with me too.

"Oh my god, Bokuto, your face!!" I wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"C'mon, let's go to my room. We can stay there." I managed a few sentences, still laughing my ass off.

The owl stood, frozen in time, and his jaw still dropped. "I had no idea that this was a... well this type of hotel... wait, aRE THEY GONNA COME BACK?!"
He sounded worried yet still smiled. I couldn't help but laugh more and more at the state he was in.

After composing myself, I responded. "Don't worry, we can just put the do not disturb sign on the door. My window looks right over the pool and hot tub, so if the targets go there, it might be a perfect shot with the both of us on each man."

Bokuto nodded, and began to retrieve his belongings.

We headed back into my room, locking the door and setting up our rifles before tucking them on their side under the bed.
"Let's try to sight them out at dinner." I told the owl.

𝚊 𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚕𝚢 ~ 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚊𝚔𝚊Where stories live. Discover now