An interesting hotel

474 22 54

A/N: uhh again, don't have much to say about this chapter other than enjoy!!

It wasn't until I looked up at Bokuto that I noticed his new look.

"You- you're hair..."
He laughed, "Do you like it? I figured we should at least be slightly undercover." He ran his fingers through the newly styled hair.

Was there something this boy couldn't pull off? I really started to ask myself that question.

The owl no longer had his hair spiked, instead it was gelled down and he wore an outfit that couldn't have complimented him better.

It was a tight fitting dress shirt, as per usual, that reminded me of a dark moss. Around his neck was a tie that accented his eyes even further, and to top everything off, he wore a grey jacket.

But before I could formulate a compliment, he beat me to it.

"You look amazing Akaashi." He said softly, calling me by my real name, and running his hands down to my hips.
I froze up.
"We... need to get going." I put my hands on top of his, hesitating for a moment before removing them and walking us both towards the cab.

The cadet this time looked a bit older and like this wasn't her first rodeo compared to the boy from before.

She didn't say a word and instead just took off, glancing back at us in the rear view every so often.


"Yes Agaashi?"

"Did you ever talk when you were a cab driver?"

"What? No, they instructed us not to talk unless necessary."

"Oh, they never told me that. I guess they just assumed I wouldn't." That made the owl laugh.

Holy shit, he looked good. I caught myself looking him up and down at least twice a minute.
Though his face was still bruised in an array of places and colors, it didn't detract from his stunning complexion and appearance.

A small note about cabs:
As some jobs are quite top secret, and the cadet driving has no authority to hear the details, there's a small, convenient aspect of the cabs that comes in quite handy.

I found myself utilizing the ability no more than a half hour into the two hour ride.

There's already a soundproof plastic barrier from the front and backseats, but to ensure no peeking, a curtain can be drawn from the ceiling down to the floor.

I used two fingers to pull it down by the metal tab.
"Agaashi?" The owl questioned.
I put my faith in the cadet driving and unbuckled my seat belt, moving right next to the owl.

He seemed surprised but I planned on continuing anyway.

I cupped his chin in my hand, turning it towards the window, to better catch the light. I memorized every bruise and scratch he'd accumulated and softly ran my thumb across one of the larger ones he had on his cheek. His eyes went wide.

I closed mine just enough to still see his face, but to a point where they felt more relaxed. I gently turned his face back towards me and felt him place a hand around my waist, twisting in his seat to better face me.

Gingerly, I began to place small kisses on all the bruises and scrapes. I ran my left hand across his shoulder, hooking it around his neck to pull him in closer. After successfully kissing each mark on his face, my lips made their way to his.


Needless to say, his hair was no longer perfectly gelled.

A good 20 minutes had passed in the backseat, and though hard to do, we eventually separated and reconnected our seatbelts.

My face was still hot and I knew I looked as disheveled as the owl. I tried to fix my hair first, before buttoning my shirt and re-tying the tie around my collar.

I looked over at the owl who was now using his slight reflection in the window in an attempt to return his gelled hair to the previous style.

It was hard for us both not to laugh at one another, but when I was confident we looked like we had when first arriving in the cab, I let the curtain back up and we returned to driving as normal.

I still found myself glancing over at the owl, who after noticing, took my hand in his, letting it rest between the two of us.

I saw the cadet look back at us in questioning, but she didn't say a word.

An hour and a bit later, we arrived at the small town south of the base. 

We stepped out of the cab, stretching slightly before retrieving our luggage from the back, and thanking the cadet for her smooth driving.

"I'll be back here day after tomorrow to pick you both up."
We acknowledged that, before heading into the town square.

It took us a while before finally finding the inn we'd be staying at.
It was a skinny yet tall building, painted a very light pink, with wood accents. Not exactly my favorite color scheme but who was I to judge.

We made our way inside and were greeted by a young woman at the check-in counter.

"Good afternoon!" She smiled and the owl returned the gesture
"Do you both have reservations?" She asked.

"Er.. yes. I believe we have separate rooms under the names of Bokuto and Ki Chou."

I told her, though not entirely sure how the base set up our arrangements.

"What an interesting name!" She replied with a smile once again, this time looking at me.
"Ah yes, rooms 3 and 4 are where you will be staying! Let me take you up!"

She came around to us and I quickly averted my gaze, seeing Bokuto do the same.

The young receptionist wore an interestingly revealing... uniform? I didn't stare, but managed to see that it just barely cover her, cinching at the waist, and paired with knee high matching socks.

I panicked slightly, letting Bokuto lead in front of me.

We walked up two flights of stairs and she motioned to the rooms, adjacent to one another, before handing over the keycards to each of us, and telling her to ask if we needed any additional assistance.

I looked over at Bokuto who seemed to be just as shocked and utterly confused, but he just shrugged.
"Well, let's just meet in the restaurant in an hour or so?" I devised a slight plan.
"Okay, sure." He smiled widely.

I entered my room first, heading straight into the bathroom before checking out the rest of the small living space. The bathroom was clean and quite pristine which was nice.

I unpacked my toiletries bag and set it on the counter before noticing what had been placed by the soap bar.

I picked one up, and turned the colorful square packaging over.
Oh no.... was this a-
The thought of what this place could possibly be seemed to make more and more sense.

Quickly I picked back up my case and ran into the bedroom, praying it wasn't what I thought it to be.

"Good afternoon." The woman on the bed said.

𝚊 𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚕𝚢 ~ 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚊𝚔𝚊Where stories live. Discover now