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I made it to the canteen just as they were finishing serving dinner, meaning I wouldn't have to wait in a very long line. I found myself looking for silver tips before the regular head of blood red hair, but only to avoid it. Obviously.

I saw the silver first and noticed him nearly dropping his tray trying to catch an apple that was slipping out of his grasp.
It made me snicker. God what an idiot, I thought.
I waited in line for my plate before making my way towards Tendou.

"Gooooood Evening!!" He said to me.


"How'd the job tonight go?" Tendou asked, resting his face on propped up arms.

"I'll explain it later." I began to dig into the food.

"Hmmm... oOH I'VE SEEN THAT FACE BEFORE BUTTERFLY!!" He pointed a bandage wrapped finger in my face.

"What the hell do you mean, and that's not my name."

"It actually is your name, genius. I'll tell you what I happen to mean later too, A-kaash-i." He exaggerated my real name.

"Akaashi, huh?"

My head whipped around to see the owl.

"Oh for fucks sake." I slammed my fork down and wiped my mouth.

"How may I help you?" I asked, smiling sarcastically.

"You should smile more, it suites you. Mind if I sit?"

Without giving me time to say no, or process what he'd just said, the owl sat on the seat next to me.

"Well heeelllloooo! I'm guess monster, arson, a pleasure." Tendou extended an arm, and knowing what was coming next, I sat back to enjoy the show.
"Hey! I'm Bokuto, sniper, nice to meet you too!"
As the owl reached to shake his hand, Tendou slipped the match out from his sleeve, lighting it on his thumb fingernail before shaking hands with the owl.

"Ouch! What the-"

"Haha, don't worry, it's harmless."

"How did you-"

"He said he was in arson, weren't you listening?" I told him. The owl looked at me in confusion and disbelief, rubbing his slightly singed palm.

"I thought you said you didn't have friends?" He asked me.

Tendou gasped, clutching his heart. "Oh Ki Chou, I'm hurt!!"

"The guess monster happens to be an exception."

"I'm his roomie." Tendou said with a wink and finger guns, clearly revealing his left hand covered in bandages and burn marks.
"And we went through training together. Known him longer than anyone."

"Oh cool! Are your hands okay?!" The owl asked.

"Heh? Oh haha, I'm fine. Can't feel a thing at this point." Tendou laughed, continuing to eat. The owl looked slightly concerned but began to eat his meal as well.

"Oh right, I'm roommates with a guy named..." He pulled out a scrunched sheet of paper. "Titan?"

"Oh fuck! Good luck buddy, it was nice knowing ya!" Tendou blew him a kiss.

I could practically see a question mark forming on his forehead.

"He's known for being intimidating and possibly killing previous roommates when they get on his nerves, that's all. Which means you should be gone by the end of the week." I didn't look up from my plate.

The owl laughed. Was he always this positive? If so, how?

"Guess I'll go meet him then, nice getting to know you guess monster, and I'll see you around partner!"

I gripped my fork in an attempt not to stab him.

"Partner?!" Tendou's eyes widened and jaw dropped.

"I said I'd explain it to you later, can't I just eat?"

Tendou put his arms up in a defensive manner before continuing to eat as well.


We returned to our room.
"So are you gonna tell me why your hands are a mess?" I asked him.

"Are you gonna tell me why you and Bokuto are partners and why it looked like Cupid shot you at dinner?"

"First of all, what the fuck. Secondly, you don't get to know anything until you explain the bandages."

Tendou sighed, collapsing onto the bottom bunk.
"Fine. My job tonight was in a hayloft. I had to set fire to it as there was some sorta chest with important documents hidden up there. Anyway I set fire to it but when I was getting down the ladder it got very hot. Satisfied?"

"You touched a hot metal ladder-"

"Oh shut up, and explain your story now."

"But you just told me to shut up?"
Tendou chucked a pillow at me.

I climbed the small ladder up to my bunk and gave in, explaining my hectic evening to Tendou.

"Wow, that's, wow. Mr. Alone is finally with someone, huh?"

"I'll kill you."

"I'm just saying, if you're forced to be with him, maybe try to get to know him a bit?"

Get to know the owl? I'd rather die. Still, Tendou made a point.

"Whatever, I'm sure the Titan will take care of him before we'd even have to go on a job together."

"Haha, true."

"Also what the hell did you mean about Cupid earlier?"

"Hm? Oh I meant that you, well it just kinda seemed like you both liked each other, but clearly I was wrong."

"Uh yeah that couldn't be further than the truth." I said. "Plus, how would you even know?"

"I've liked people before. I'm not a robot, Akaashi."

"Huh. I guess I just never thought about that... or that you swung that way.. it's fine though I don't think it's weird, but who?"

"Who do I like?"


"That's my lovely little secret." I could hear him flicking his lighter on and off below me.

𝚊 𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚕𝚢 ~ 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚊𝚔𝚊Where stories live. Discover now