Mission 3

369 18 22

A/N: sup sup, same goes with all other missions: uhh violence, blood, language, yup. Also I apologize if for the moment there's any spelling errors or anything because I am quite tired lol. I'll proof read tomorrow or something but yeah anyway, hope y'all like it ;)

At the hotel, we worked on getting suited up, carrying things like spare ammo and a handgun each. I was pulling on my fingerless gloves while Bokuto ensured his gun was up to par before laying it carefully in the case. Ushijima and Tendou were already set to go, and waited in the lobby downstairs for the both of us.



"Did the commander ever tell you why I was told to go kill you?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"Dunno, it just makes me wonder, I guess."

It was odd, and I did think about it too. But who knows, without that job I have no clue where I'd be right now. Especially in regards to Bokuto. We may never have met if it weren't for that incident.

"Man I can't wait to just eat a meatball sandwich after this."
Bokuto said mainly to himself, but out loud for me to hear. I smiled at him, and he looked up before returning the gesture. I rolled my eyes at him, though secretly wishing someone would appear in front of me with a sandwich too.

We had all decided that Bokuto and I would take out 4 of the walkers each and leave the others to Ushijima and Tendou below. If that went to shit, we'd at least try to get 2 sniped and killed before running to meet them in the square.

With that, we headed to the location from the hotel. Ushijima blended in with the small crowd, with Tendou pretending to use the ATM outside the bank he planned to set aflame.

Me and Bokuto stood smack in the middle of the square.

"Agaasheee," the owl smiled, talking calmly and confidently,  "Everything's gonna be fine, it's just another job, and I love youuuu!!"
He kissed my lips forcefully and quick, holding my cheeks, before turning and running fast towards his tower, not giving me time to say anything else.

The cobblestone square itself was the size of a block, so the crowd was quite dispersed. That being said, we'd picked the day out of the three given in which according to the hotel receptionist, the surrounding restaurants, stores, and various other buildings would be most crowded. It was our attempt to pull as many bystanders to the scene as possible.

I climbed the flights of stairs, on high alert.
As quick as I could, I got set up, watching Ushijima through the scope. I knew I couldn't look at the building go up in flames, instead it was vital I kept eyes on the Titan for the signal. So that's what I did.  He worked extremely fast and with no error as he tagged the walkers one by one.

In my peripheral I saw the building ignite quickly and the crowd stirred almost immediately. Tendou was fucking brilliant at his job.

I maintained watch of the Titan, who seconds later showed the signal alerting all 12 had been tagged.

It was now a race against the clock, though I waited for the clock tower directly across the bank engulfed in flames to strike the next minute.
We'd decided that would be the best way for Bokuto and me to sync up our shots. So, as soon as the hand hit twelve, I shot my first target, hitting his back right on the yellow circle which shone brightly through the scope, just as the Titan explained it would.

At the same time, Bokuto shot and hit too. We repeated the process one more time before hearing fires back. I noticed the Titan in hand to hand combat, signaling for us to stop sniping and assist him and Tendou.

I sprinted down the stairs, returning to the square, and leaving my gun set up in the tower to preserve time.

By now, the sound of gunshots filled the air.

I spotted the red hair that belonged to the lifelong friend of mine. Tendou was silent, working without leaving a trace. No one suspected him for the building and the utter chaos unfolding around us kept him concealed in the crowd. He was skilled beyond belief with silent stabbings.

"How many left?" I spoke without making eye contact, instead scanning for Bokuto and any other walkers that there may be.


Women screamed, and civilian men shot their handguns carelessly. The police had yet to arrive but children cried and the mistwalkers began to notice us.

Tendou blended back in by screaming as though terrified. I joined him, without screaming, and instead pretended to be looking for my lost child.

I suppose my acting was rather bad as I saw one of the tattooed faces take aim on me. However, much to his dismay, he fell to the ground from my bullet first.

The Titan yelled, alerting me and the arsonist to start running to the checkpoint where the four of us would meet up. I saw him kill another one with a shot through the skull before turning my head and sprinting.

Where was Bokuto, I thought, alongside Tendou as we maneuvered through the crowd. We managed one more kill before reaching the outskirts of the square.

We ran behind a grocery, staying in the alleyway by a couple dumpsters.

"How many?"

"I lost count... two left?" He panted, stabilizing his hands on his knees before sliding his back down the brick wall. I noticed Tendou's eyes were small, undoubtably worried for Ushijima, and sweat ran down his face despite a chill being in the air.

"Where are they?"
As I uttered the words, both others ran full tilt towards us, Bokuto lagging behind Ushijima slightly.

The Titan had a long cut over his right eye, likely from nails and bright blood ran into his mouth.
He huffed, "Done. I believe."
Tendou stood, running to him and jumping into his arms, exclaiming about the eye.

I stood up from the ground where I knelt too and engulfed Bokuto in a tight hug. He let out a groan. Instantly I let go,
"Are you alright?!" I questioned loudly.

"I'm fine, I just received a fat punch to my rib."

"The one that was bruised?"


He looked pale and like he was in a lot of pain. The sight made me furious.

"Hey uhm, did we run the wrong direction?" Tendou asked.


"Isn't our exit thataway?"
He pointed a blood covered finger across the square to the building closest to the main road.




"Okay, cmon we gotta get over there." The cadet would be waiting with medical supplies for Ushijima and a car back to base.

The others agreed and we ran fast, abandoning what was unneeded.

We ran around the grocery and down a side street full tilt. Ushijima lead, followed by Tendou at his side, and me slightly behind. I glanced behind my shoulder to see Bokuto.



Why wasn't he running?


He fell to his knees.

"BOKUTO!!"  I wailed.

𝚊 𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚕𝚢 ~ 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚊𝚔𝚊On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara