A yellow butterfly.

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A/N: uhm yup here we are, at the ending/epilogue I suppose. Lemme know if I should add another chapter in which I answer any questions or anything too but for now, enjoy the ending!


Bright sunlight shine through a large window, hitting Akaashi in the face with great force as he rolled over in bed. He reached out for Bokuto and felt the emptiness, resulting in a quick awakening.

He looked over at the bedside table clock which read 10:03. He'd slept in much longer than usual, but that seemed to be a reoccurring event nowadays.

Akaashi got dressed simply, as it was a Saturday, and headed down the wooden stairs. 

"Good morning!!" A little boy no older than six came bounding towards him and embraced Akaashi at his kneecaps. He spoke with a couple missing teeth, resulting in a slight lisp, which was more evident when he smiled up at his father showing more gum than anything else.

"Where's everyone else?" Akaashi asked, picking up the small boy, propping him against his left hip, and holding him tightly.
"Uhm the others are outside." The boy responded and pointed towards a large glass door.

Both walked out back to the large pasture. The house was fixed on a small hill with grass running down it to a small garden.


Bokuto came running with three other small children sprinting to keep up behind him.

Bokuto planted a large kiss on the top of Akaashi's head making the small boy giggle.


"Too loud Bokuto." Though Akaashi smiled.

"Dad!" A girl, slightly older than the boy Akaashi held, tugged on the bottom of Bokutos shirt.

He turned and she pointed back behind them towards the other two kids.

"Uh oh." Bokuto ran back and scooped both up in large arms.
The boy he held in his right arm was crying and had a skinned knee while the girl in the other was quiet.

"What happened?" Bokuto asked.

"He tripped."

"Mhm... alright well... WHO'S HUNGRY?!"

A loud uproar from everyone alerted that it was time for breakfast.

Bokuto put on his "kiss the chef" apron and set to work on a large meal.


Bokuto glanced over his shoulder at an attempt to see what was wrong before Akaashi stood and made his way to the crime scene.

"What's the matter?" He asked gently.

"He started crying because he got the hiccups again." The eldest girl who wore glasses like Akaashi motioned towards the boy with a bandaged knee who was curled up in a ball on the floor.

"Hey Bokuto?" Akaashi hollered for his husband.

He came in holding a frying pan and spatula.

"Oh, again! Come here!" He steadied both kitchen utensils in one hand and picked the boy up, sitting him on the kitchen island with the other.
Bokuto wiped his hands and clasped them over the small hands of the boy.

"Okay ready? I'm gonna squeeze your pinkies and then the hiccups will be gone!"
Bokuto consoled the little boy who was now crying even harder as he'd had another hiccup.

As Bokuto pinched the nails of his sons pinkies, Akaashi crept up behind then and yelled "boo" making the little boy jump.

"Dada?! Why??"

"Are they gone?" Both Akaashi and Bokuto asked in unison, waiting for a moment. A wide smile resembling Bokuto's found its way to the boys face as he hopped down to go play with the others.

"Oya! Come back here, foods ready!"

Akaashi rested his head in his hands admiring the man in front of him.

"What? What's wrong?" Bokuto asked.

"No, it's nothing, nothings wrong."

Akaashi got up from the island seat and hugged him from behind, sliding his hands around Bokuto's waist and into the pockets of the apron.

"I was just remembering how you said you couldn't even cook rice as you were literally dying, and now here you are."

Bokuto leaned his head against Akaashi's which rested gently on his shoulder.

"Well I was actually very scared about that."

"And I was scared you'd leave me so,"

Before Akaashi could continue, all four kids now came towards them with great speed and ran circles around the twos feet.

Bokuto juggled many plates in his hands, placing them on the placemats at the large table one after the other.

"Do you know when the others will be here?" Bokuto asked Akaashi, taking his seat and beginning to eat.

They had expected Ushijima and Tendou over to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of marriage between the owl and Akaashi.

"They should be here around 2 or so."

"And they still haven't tied the knot?"

"Not that I know of."


"Who are you talking about?" The girl with glasses asked.
Despite not being biologically related to Akaashi, she looked like a splitting image. Everything from the deep blue eyes, to her stature, and brilliant mind.

"Your uncles. They're coming to visit for tonight." Akaashi responded.

"UNCLE TENDOU?!" The snaggletoothed boy questioned with great enthusiasm. Pushing out  of his seat and grinning.

"Yes, but no repeats of last time. I already told him not to bring any matches, fireworks, or lighters."

The little boy looked defeated and pouted, crossing his arms.

Akaashi sighed, "Don't give me that face, he's bringing chocolates, alright?" This created another enthused uproar from the children.

Tendou had surprisingly gone on to work for a small company who specialized in fondu and chocolate making. He claimed it was the closest he could get to fire without it being illegal, so it worked out quite nicely.

As for the Titan and Akaashi, both continued to work at the base, but no longer as Elites.

Instead, Akaashi was promoted to be a commander, overseeing jobs and working in the same office where he'd met Bokuto all those years ago.
For a while he kept that job, but later swapped to being a strategist. And one of the best the area had ever seen.
He was the one in charge of creating elaborate, sophisticated plans for Grand Missions. Under his command, no one had died in over a decade.
He threw out the machines auto-generated job descriptions, and instead worked to fill each Manila folder with sufficient information for those risking their lives.

Ushijima on the other hand now worked as a trainer. He was one of the people in charge of teaching future elite cadets everything they needed to know in the three years they had to do so. He was outstandingly good with kids to everyone's surprise.
And every year when his eldest class graduated, he never failed to shed a couple tears.
And every year, the class was surprised at how unthreatening the Titan actually was, despite his looks and personality.

Later that afternoon, as the large family awaited their visitors, they played in the large garden at the base of the hill.

The younger of the two girls came running towards Bokuto and Akaashi.

She brought a small net from around the backside of her body, and raising it up to show them.

A small yellow butterfly flew rapidly inside.

Akaashi and Bokuto looked at one another with nothing besides pure love in each other's eyes and smiled.

A yellow butterfly.

𝚊 𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚕𝚢 ~ 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚊𝚔𝚊Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora