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                                 "I'm Fine"
                     Hayloft- Mother Mother
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                                 "I'm Fine"                     Hayloft- Mother Mother                      ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

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"You're not gonna help?!" Pope asked knowing he could use her brains to solve the anagram. She stopped before looking back.

"I'll just be a sec." Alexa assured walking to the kitchen.

She grabbed a bowl and put chicken feed in it, the chickens were always lucky when she was feeding them, cause she would always add  berries which they loved.

Alexa skipped outside to the coop.
Being with animals made her happy. She believed they were her kindred spirits. Whether it was a chicken or a sea turtle, they were all her kindred spirits.

"Hi babies." She softly greeted as they all crowded around. She smiled softly petting a couple of them.

She bent down and place the bowl inside the coop. They all piled in.

"John B does not deserve you guys. He's a meanie for starving you guys all day." She softly spoke as she saw them all gathering around the bowl desperately.

She smiled at the sight and stood back up. She dusted herself off.

Suddenly behind her she heard tires screech to a stop. Her eyebrows furrowed as she turned around.

She was greeted with a sight of a huge black truck.

The man staring right back at her from inside the truck made her heart drop. She recognized him instantly.

"Oh shit! Shit. Shit. Shit." She exclaimed turning around to try and make a run for it.

She got two steps in before the loud sound of a gunshot made her freeze. She heard the shot hit the coop, causing the chickens inside to go in a frenzy.

"You better stop before I shoot you." The rough voice called out.

Alexa still debated it, she was fast. Her foot made a small move.

"Trust me you can't outrun a bullet." The voice yelled harsher.  He sent another bullet that zipped past her.

She heard doors slam shut. She stood frozen hearing loud footsteps come closer. She shut her eyes and let out a shaky sigh.

Why does this shit happen to me? She thought

She hoped more than anything this was just another nightmare.

But reality hit her when someone roughly grabbed her hand and spun her around.

"Hey there pretty lady."

Her eyes widened as she was face to face with the bigger of the two men. The scrawnier man watched in the background amused. The mans tight grasp was definitely gonna bruise her.

•So Close• JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now