chapter one

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*current day*

Waking up, in a bed that I don't recognize. I turned around and pressed the stop button on my phone, turning off the alarm clock. I looked around, and I remember where I am, Paris. Yawning I grabbed my phone, going straight to Instagram. Looking at my followers, I hit 40 million. Smiling I took a selfie and posting it on my story. Saying thanks to all my fans, and telling them I could not have done this without them.

Harry: Hey Nova, good luck tonight on your last show! Me and the boys can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Nova: Thanks Harold, could not have done this without you all x

It was true, all of this was because of the Sidemen. They started using my song Shine in their videos. The fans really loved the song and started playing it on Spotify. One thing led to another and before I knew it my song was playing on the radio. My song became number one in 15 countries. My life went from normal to one big chaos in a couple of weeks. I still cannot believe it sometimes and often think that I am dreaming. But after coming out with an album and touring Europe I have come to terms with it. Tonight was my 'official' last show of my tour, can't believe I am in fucking Paris!!!!!

After this show I will be doing an extra show in London in 5 weeks to thank all my fans for this amazing opportunity. It all started there, and my biggest fan base is the UK. So I could not just do one show in London, my final show had to be in the O2. Yes yes I know, the O2!!! Just thinking about that makes me almost break down in tears.

Arriving at the venue I am playing in tonight, I went straight to my dressing room, deciding that I needed to talk to someone to calm my nerves.

"Hey babe! Ready for your show?" Talia looked at me with the biggest smile. She was sitting in an all-white room. Ever since her and Simon met, she has become my best friend. We have so much in common it is insane. "I don't know I am more nervous than ever" I smiled nervously at her. I did not know why, but I have never been this nervous for a show. "Nova, think about it, you always dreamed about doing a show in Paris. It is normal that you are nervous. I can bet you that you will be even more nervous when you are performing in the O2" I laughed "Gee thanks for reminding me, I am even more nervous now"

"Ah common Nova you are going to rock this" Simon appeared on screen, I did not know they were together, usually he is streaming around this time. "You have done 13 shows now, in some of the biggest venues in Europe, just relax, breath and enjoy it" I looked at him and smiled. Simon is right, I should not be worried about this, I should enjoy it and be grateful that I am able to do this.

"Thanks guys, I really needed that. I'll see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow love, enjoy it"

"Showtime in 5 minutes" I walked to the stage, together with my tour manager Dave. "Are you ready Nova?" I looked up at him "ready as I ever will be, Dave"

The screams overwhelmed me once I announced that I will be doing my last song of the show. Shine.

"I want to thank you all for coming tonight, you guys mean the world to me! My last song is special, some guys used this song in their videos, and it all started from there." More and more screams filled the venue. Most of the fans knew who I was talking about when I talk about 'some guys'. I laughed and thanked them all again. I looked at them all, and saw smiles, lights and proud faces.

"Wow Nova that was amazing!" One of my dancers hugged me. "You guys were amazing, I will look awful up there without any of you" I looked to my dancers, all sweaty like me, but with huge smiles on their faces. With tears in my eyes I thanked them all for this amazing opportunity and their amazing energy throughout this tour. I looked at Dave and gave him a big hug "Thank you, Dave for being here for me and arranging everything, I would be a mess without you" feeling him squeeze me even harder, I smiled. "It is no problem kiddo, I loved it"

"Go rest, you deserve it" I looked up at him and smiled at him.

Walking towards my dressing room, I felt the happiest I have ever felt. The show was amazing, and I could not be any more grateful for all the fans that are supporting me. Arriving at my dressing room, I took a big breath and turned on the light.


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