chapter eight

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I was waiting at the dance studio for the Sidemen to arrive. The whole morning I have been practicing all the dances that I have to do. Most of them are alright, some dances I have been doing on tour, but there are a few moves that are new to me that I can't do straight away. Of course, I have a lot of practicing to do. The Sidemen dance is pretty easy to do, they will do most of the dancing. But I am curious how I will perform when I am dancing with them, it will be much different dancing with somebody on the same level as with somebody who is a professional.

We also have to talk about when we will be rehearsing, they have a tight schedule with all the Sidemen filming. Cindy talked about getting a professional filming team to film their progress which they can use for their videos, and we can use for promotional purposes.

"Hello? Nova?" I heard Tobi yell, probably confused where they need to go. This dance studio can be a bit difficult to navigate around. There are multiple studios, but we are using the big one at the end. I ran to the entrance of our dance studio to wave them in. "Hey guys! Over here!" I yelled at them, seeing they were clearly not sure where they were meant to go. Once they arrived I hugged them all saying hi. "Welcome guys, so glad you could make it! This is Eric my choreographer" I introduced them to Eric, all of them shaking hands with him. Eric seems excited to finally meet them. I talked allot about them when I was on tour. Eric would always ask for more stories about them, because he finds them hilarious. "And these are the dancers that will help us the coming weeks, making sure that we will be giving our best performance" I pointed at all my dancers, feeling really proud of them. The boys walked over them and introduced themselves. "Their even cuter in real life" Eric whispered to me. "Sorry Eric, I don't think any of them are gay" I laughed whispered at him.

"Okay, so the dancers will now perform the choreo that we will be doing! Emily here will play my role and the other guys will play your roles. Please tell me or Eric if you don't feel comfortable with any of the dance moves that they will be doing" I say to the guys while sitting down. I felt really nervous, hoping that they would like the choreo that Eric came up with. We were all sitting against the mirrors waiting for the dancers to start.

The dancers got in position, and the music started. I kept on looking at the guys. They were all smiling and sometimes nudged each other letting them know how funny or cool a move was. We came to the part where they would all line up. "Ooh damn" said JJ watching with big eyes, Simon turned to me and pointed to Emily "You are doing this to us Nova?" Biting my lip because I was so nervous I raised my shoulders. They all kept looking, then the part where I was most nervous about came. The part where me and one Sidemen would be dancing really intimate. I started biting my nails trying to distract myself from the choreo.

They all stared wide-eyed at what was happening right in front of them. I heard Harry gulp and scratch his left shoulder, something he did when he was nervous. Oh my, what if I have to do this choreo with Harry? I never really thought about that. We've been getting much closer lately, but I am not sure if this would be a good thing in our current relationship.

The choreo ended and all the boys were clapping. "This was so good! I can't wait to learn it" Tobi said still clapping. I knew he would be excited he can actually dance a bit so this would be easier for him. "Well it gets a bit intimate at the end, innit?" Ethan exclaimed laughing. "Yes I know, but we can do something different if you would like?" I said to them all, hoping that they were still excited. "I think it is really sexy, would love to dance with you Nova" JJ said while winking at me. "Hahaha I knew you would like it JJ, but I have no idea who I would be doing it with. It probably won't be Simon, Josh or Vikk though, because they both have girlfriends" I said looking at Josh, Simon and Vikk. "Don't think my girlfriend would be happy if I did that with another girl" Vikk said laughing and nodding at me.

"Well if you all are excited about the choreo we can start planning the days we will be training. We will also arrange a filming crew for you guys who will make the videos for you. Of course you will have a say in how the video will be edited" Cindy said coming from the little office.

"Our assistant could send you our schedule so you guys can plan the practice hours?" Josh suggested to Cindy. "Yes that would be amazing, one person probably has a bit more hours because they have a separate section with Nova. We still have to discuss who that will be. You will hear from us shortly who we choose" Cindy added. Cindy and Josh exchanged numbers. "Thank you guys for doing this for Nova, we can't wait to see you guys up on the stage" Cindy gave them all a hug and waved goodbye.

After we all said goodbye to the dancers and Eric, we all walked outside. "Would anybody want to grab a bite with me?" I asked the guys as we were about to say goodbye. "Ethan and me were about to go to Nando's if you would like to come with?" Harry asked me already looking up where they would need to go. "Would love to, anybody else coming?" I asked the rest of the guys, secretly hoping that they did not want to come with. I was needing some time alone with Ethan and Harry. "No, thank you, we have to record some Sidemen reacts!" Simon said coming over and hugging me. "Have a nice time though, can't wait to bust out my dance moves" I laughed at him knowing he was probably one of the better dancers in the Sidemen. I hugged the rest of the guys and walked to Nando's with Ethan and Harry.

"It probably will be one of us who will be doing that duo dance" Ethan said after he just gave our waiter his order. "I think so yeah, Cindy probably has it all figured out whom it will be" I said taking a sip from my iced tea. "You will get a lot of gossip, all the fans knowing us and knowing you" Harry said looking at me with worried eyes. "Well, it won't be anything new, and that is probably why Cindy and Eric choose this choreo, some publicity" Cindy would always think about how to get more publicity, trying to keep me popular. It would always be positive publicity though. But sometimes I'd wish that it would be less important.

"Would you guys mind if you had to do that with me?" I asked them, while I kept looking at my food. It was more aimed at Harry then at Ethan. I was curious if Harry would mind, especially after what happened in the lift the other day. "It would be fucking hot to do that with you" Ethan said laughing and eating his food. I laughed with him, he would just tell all his friends what he did in front of 20.000 people. "To be honest, I would just be really nervous that I will screw up" Harry said looking at his food. He looked a bit scared. I placed my hand on his thigh, and squeezed it. Harry looked at me and I smiled at him reinsuring that he would not screw up. "I bet all of you will be better than me" I said smiling, moving my hand away from Harry's thigh.

"Hi, uhm, sorry for interrupting, but could I please get a photo? I am a huge fan" A little girl stood at our table looking at me. I never understood why fans would ask someone for a photo when the person is eating. I guess they would think that it would be their only chance. "Of course sweetheart" I said to the girl giving her a little smile. Harry and Ethan looked annoyed, they found it even more annoying than I did. The girl stood next to me and the mother was taking the photo. "Thank you so much Nova, you are amazing" I smiled at her, not even mad anymore that she interrupted my dinner. "It is no problem sweetheart, have a lovely day" I said to her giving her a hug. She walked away with a huge smile on her face. "I don't understand how you do that" Ethan said looking at me with a straight face. "Do what?" I asked him taking my last sip from my iced tea. "Be so nice while they interrupted your dinner with friends" He looked annoyed. Probably because it happened a lot with him too. "I don't know, I mean don't get me wrong I don't love it either, but it is there one chance to meet someone they admire. Guess can't hold it against them" I said shoving my plate away because it is empty. "I would just say no I think" Harry looked at me shrugging his shoulders. "Well Harry that is the difference between me and you, I am nice, and you are not" I said sticking my tongue out at him. He laughed placing his hand on my thigh squeezing it. I looked at him and smiled, feeling tingles up and down my leg. 

*A bit of a longer chapter, I hope you guys like it so far. If you do please vote!*

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