chapter three

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Arriving at the restaurant, I saw the guys already sitting at the table. The restaurant looked fancy, even though I do not like fancy restaurants that much and would rather just eat at a pizza place, this place is most likely not where my fans would go to eat, so that means fewer interruptions. I sat down next to Harry and Ethan. I get along the most with them, I tell them all my secrets and I know theirs. We have a special bond, that I am so grateful for. Harry and I have often been in the media, portrait as a couple, we don't mind that much, but it did take a toll on Harry's relationship with Katie. Because Harry and I are so close I can understand that Katie was not comfortable with the media portraying us as a couple. They broke up a couple of months ago. It was really hard on Harry, but because of that we grew closer.

I felt a hand land on my knee "Are you alright?" Harry looked at me with worried eyes. "Yes, I am just a bit tired I guess" I smiled at him and squeezed his hand. He took is hand away, and a warm feeling replaced the spot, my cheeks burning up too.

"I am so hungry, I could eat a fucking shoe" everybody looked at JJ as he was crazy "What? Are you guys not hungry" Confused he looked around while we were all laughing "We are JJ, but I am not going to eat a shoe" Vikk replied sipping his water. Just as JJ wanted to reply the waiter came to take our orders.

After the lovely meal we decided to go straight to the club, once we were outside I noticed paparazzi waiting outside for me. How did they know I was here? "Just keep your head down and walk with me" Josh threw an arm around me and led me to my car. Josh often did this for me, he knew how much I disliked paparazzi, he was calm and knew how to handle the situation. I placed my head in his shoulder and kept looking down trying not to trip. Once we reached the car I climbed inside and released the breath I was holding. "Well that was fun" Simon squeezed my shoulder also knowing how much I hated it.

I was in the car with Josh, Freya, Simon, Talia and Gee. "I can't wait to get drunk and just dance the night away" Freya looked at me "Hell yeah girl, we are taking shots straight away" We all laughed "Well not too drunk please, we have sidemen filming tomorrow" Josh muttered to Simon. Their channel was doing bits. No wonder why they had such a busy schedule. "Okay well then the girls are getting drunk, and you guys can take care of us" Gee said high-fiving us.

The music was blasting through the venue. The others had already arrived and were sitting at the table. The table was a bit separated with the club, so not everyone could reach us. A lot of alcohol was stationed at the table, and I smiled at all of them grinning at the table. We were going to have a great time.

"Cheers to Nova completing her first tour and being an amazing woman" Harry spook. Everyone raised their glass and cheered. I smiled at Harry and mouthed a "Thank You". I decided that I could not take all the credit, so I raised my glass again "Thank you guys, but I could not have done this without you. Because of you I could tour Europe and call this my job, because you believed in me and supported me. I love you guys with all my heart" "Geezz could you please not make me cry" JJ said with a huge smile on his face. We laughed and all decided to go dancing.

After a couple of drinks I could already feel myself being quite drunk. It did not matter though, I was having the time of my life dancing with all my friends. Suddenly I felt a hand on my waist and a body pressing against my back. I tensed but soon realized that it was Harry who was dancing with me. "Having fun?" He said swinging his hips with mine. I turned around and looked him into his eyes, both clearly drunk I laughed. "Yeah, kinda" Harry looked confused "Why kinda?" I smirked and whispered in his ear "because you haven't been dancing with me"

I did not know what came over me. Sure Harry and I sometimes flirted, but never like this. I liked it though, he looked good tonight, and I missed him a lot. Harry laughed and turned me around again, with his hands on my waist and his back pressed against mine as we danced. "Better?" He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I leaned into him signaling that this was indeed better. I felt alive in his arms, giving me a strange feeling inside. Why did this feel so good? Our hips moved with the music and everything felt perfect.

But after a couple minutes that feeling was snapped away by a hand grabbing me and pulling me away. "We need to do more shots!" Talia screamed in my face. I nodded with a huge grin and walked away with her, looking back one more time to see Harry smiling at me. His smile lit a fire within me, a feeling that i could not shake away.

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