chapter eighteen

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The music was so loud I could not hear anyone that was talking to me. We were currently in a club, sitting at a separate table. Luckily our fans are mostly not of this age, and if they are they won't bother us that often than our younger fans. So we were enjoying ourselves a lot. Everybody was here, the sidemen, their girlfriends, the two call's and Randolph with his wife. We were a couple of drinks in, and you could see that some of us were quite tipsy already.

I was sitting next to Tobi laughing at Ethan and Harry doing some random dances. "Why aren't you drinking?" Tobi asked me looking at my water. "I don't know I don't want to embarrass myself, what if somebody sees?" I was swirling my water in my hand not looking at Tobi. "When has that ever stopped you?" He smirked at me, he knew the real reason that I wasn't drinking. "Look, go get drunk, enjoy yourself and dance with Harry. Nobody will care, I promise you" I looked at him concerned. "But what if some fans will see us? I don't want people to know." Tobi scratched his chin "But you danced with him in Paris, in a club. Fans could have been there too" I nodded at him, in some way he was right, I didn't care then. "But that was different, we didn't have something going on, and now we do"

"What are you guys talking about?" Harry squeezed between us with a beer in his hand, making it spill onto my leg. "Oops sorry babe, did not mean to do that" He was wiping the beer of my leg but all I could think about was Harry calling me 'babe'.  I smiled at him, reassuring him that I didn't mind.

"We were talking about the O2 performance, how we both are so excited" Tobi said to Harry, dropping our previous conversation. "I cannot wait! I hope I don't mess up though!" Harry laughed at himself standing up and trying out some dance moves. Tobi and I both laughed at him, he was stumbling all over the place. "Come dance with me Nova" Harry held out his hand waiting for me to grab it. Tobi nudged me "go on, enjoy yourself". "Fuck it" I mumbled to myself, taking Harry's hand. He led me to the dance floor where some of the other guys were dancing. I was seeing Talia and Freya dancing with their boyfriends, making me nervous about Harry wanting to dance with me. I felt Harry's hand wrap around my waist from behind, making me lean into his chest. Our hips were swaying to the music and all my worries disappeared. My whole body was tingling, loving the feeling of Harry so close to me.

But then I saw a flash, a camera flash. I looked around seeing a girl quickly hiding her phone and looking ashamed. She photographed me and Harry. Dancing close together. I panicked. I squirmed out of Harry's hands trying to get away from the crowd, I needed some air. What if that picture is uploaded on the internet, what if people now know that something is going on?

What if I lose him?

Harry was running after me, I could hear his screams above the music, but I wanted to get away from here. I did not want people seeing us together right now. "Woah, woah, Nova are you alright?" I bumped into Ethan making his drinks fly out of his hands. "Shit sorry Ethan! I just need to get outside" He probably saw the panic in my eyes, because he took my hand and pulled me out of the crowd. When we were finally outside I let out a big breath, leaning against the building. "What happened are you alright?" Ethan looked at me concerned. "I'm alright I just needed to get some air, I am so sorry that I spilled your drinks" I was grabbing my purse trying to get some money for Ethan, so I could pay for his drinks. Ethan grabbed my hands before I could "Don't be ridiculous Nova, that doesn't matter" He pulled me in for a hug, making sure that I was okay. "Thanks for taking me outside Ethan" I hugged him tight. Ethan always watches out for me, and I love him for that.

Our hug did not last long, because Harry came storming out of the building happy he finally found me. "Nova! Thank god, I could not find you anywhere" He looked so concerned, which secretly made me really happy. He hugged me "why did you run away so fast? Was it because of the photo?" he did not let go of me. "What photo?" Ethan asked now looking concerned too. "It was nothing, it was just a fan taking a picture of me and Nova dancing" Harry told Ethan like it was no big deal. "Dancing really close together" I added looking at the ground, ashamed that I made such a big deal about this. "Is that why you ran away, because you did not want people to see us together?" Harry looked upset "I just thought it scared you a bit" He added on trying to make me look at him. "I'll leave you guys alone" Ethan said walking back into the club. Probably thinking this didn't concern him.

"I don't mind people seeing us together, I just don't want them to think we are together" I looked up at him, he looked so sad making me regret what I said. "But we are, sort of" He looked at me confused and sad at the same time. "Yes I know that, but they don't have to know that" Harry lets go of my taking a step back. "Why does it bother you so much that people will see us? I am getting a bit tired of this. Do I not mean something to you? Are you ashamed of me? Please tell me!" Harry's words hurt. I could never be ashamed of him, and he means the world to me. "It's the opposite Harry, you mean so much to me, I just don't want to lose you. And I am scared that if everybody knows that I will." I looked him straight into his eyes, hoping that he would understand.

"Oh Nova, you could never lose me!" Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest. He rubbed my back, calming me. "I am sorry, I just never have had a relationship in the public eye, and I am so scared that it will change. "I understand, but you don't have to worry. We have been friends for so long that we can handle it." I lifted my head looking him into his eyes. "What did I do to deserve you?" I said to him. He smiled and brought his hands to my cheeks. "I don't know, probably something really stupid" I laughed at him, what a dumbass. I leaned forward kissing him. He kissed me back setting me on fire as always.

We decided that our wild night out was ending there, so we went inside saying goodbye to everyone. Calfreezy and Callux decided that they wanted to come home to, so that resulted in me sitting with them on the couch eating some pizza. "Omg this pizza is delicious, you should try this" Calfreezy said almost stuffing the pizza in my mouth. "Calm down Freezy, just give it to me!" I laughed at him, he was too drunk to even hand me a piece. I grabbed one from the box and leaned against Harry, giving him a bite to. "You guys are so cute together" Callux said to us, pointing at us with his pizza slice. All the toppings flew off making some land on Freezy's trousers. "What the fuck Call, don't waste the pizza!" Freezy yelled scooping some salami from his trousers. I was now laughing so hard that there were tears running from my eyes. "You guys are stupid" Harry said standing up. "I am going to bed, you coming Nova?" I nodded at him, giving Freezy and Call a hug. "Don't have sex to loudly, because I will hear it!" Freezy yelled behind us making my face glow red. "You make sure that Callux doesn't try to have sex with you!" Harry yelled at Freezy. Harry and Freezy lived alone now for a while but Callux often came home with them, crashing in someone's bed.

I jumped on Harry's bed "Finally I am exhausted!" I straight away ripped of my dress and signed to Harry that he needed to throw me a shirt out of his closet. "So no sex?" Harry asked throwing me a shirt. He laid down on the bed only wearing his boxers. I threw the pillow at him "is that all you can think about?" I snuggled closer to him, enjoying his warmth. "I am joking, I am too tired to even lift my hands up" He said while half lifting his hands up showing me that he was serious. "You are such a dork"

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