chapter eleven

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"Mmmhm, these pancakes are delicious!" I said taking another bite. Talia woke me up with some pancakes this morning. After we were happy with the song that we wrote, we realized that it was already 3 a.m. Lately I have been struggling to write, but Talia helped me put my feelings on paper. I can not wait to perform this song sometime. "It is my grandmother recipe!" Talia said giving herself the last pancake and sitting next to me. "You have rehearsal today right, with the Sidemen?" I nodded to her still chewing on my pancake. "Well would you come with me to a Sidemen shoot? They are filming a football video with adidas". I looked up at her confused as to why she was going to watch Sidemen play football. Talia looked at my confused look "I know, I know, but I have nothing better to do and Simon said I could test the chip out too, and I am kind of curious what my stats would me" I looked even more confused now. "Sorry what chip and what stats?" Talia laughed at me "They have a chip from adidas that they will be doing in their shoes and the chip tells you how good you are in certain football situations" Talia said grabbing my plate and putting it in the dishwasher. "Ahh, yeah sure I will go with you, kind of interested in my stats too"

Arriving at the shoot location the boys were already busy filming. It looked a lot of fun, they were shooting and running around. We just decided to not interrupt them and just sat down, watching them. After a while they were done filming and Simon noticed that we were sitting close by. He ran up to us and gave Talia a quick kiss. "You guys want to try?" He looked at us both, excited to see how good we would be. "Yeah, sure!" I said standing up and walking with them to the other boys. They were still trying to score some goals, all standing in a line shooting at Tobi who was in goal. We just decided to join them standing at the outside, Ethan giving us both a ball. Harry was just getting a ball from behind the goal that he missed. Realizing I had joined them he walked towards me. He walked behind me and quickly squeezed my hand "Hey" he said while winking at me. He walked further giving me no time to say anything back, so I just smiled at him. After shooting a couple of times, and of course missing the goal 99% I was done with it. Not even testing out the chip, I walked off of the field. I took a seat next to Josh, who had already stopped. "Ready for dance rehearsal?" I asked him watching the other boys and Talia still shooting at Tobi. "I think so, don't even think I remember half of it" He said taking of his football boots and replacing them with his normal shoes. "That is the most difficult part, trying to remember" I said to him standing up, making space for the other guys that were coming our way. "It does get easier though, if you just keep practicing" I say shrugging my shoulders and sitting down on the grass. "Nova, I am so ready for rehearsal today, I have been practicing" JJ said now showing of his terrible dance moves. "I don't know what you have been practicing mate, but this isn't our dance" Harry said making us all laugh. JJ stopped and looked at Harry raising his middle finger. "Right guys, let's go to dance rehearsal" Simon said while placing his arm over JJ's shoulder dragging him away from Harry. "You coming with Talia?" I asked her walking with her to her car. "Nah, I don't want to see any more of the dance before the O2, it will ruin the surprise." She said unlocking her car. "Fair enough, I will find somebody to drive me to the dance studio then" I said giving her a hug. With somebody I obviously meant Harry, looking around if he was still here. A car pulled up next to me, "looking for me?" Harry said leaning out of his window. I shrugged my shoulders "just anyone to take me to the dance studio, to be honest" stepping into the car and fastening my seatbelt. "Suuuure" Harry said full of sarcasm.

"And 5, 6, 7, 8! Straighten those arms JJ! Vikk focus!"
Eric was training us hard, going over and over the same pieces of the dance until we did it perfectly. "Nova, come on! You can do better than this!" I was absolutely knackered trying to perfect this routine. Sweat was dripping off my face and I could see in the mirror that the boys were tired as well. "Okay guys, one last time, and then we are done for today" Eric yelled starting the music again. I gave everything I had to satisfy Eric. "Well done guys, I am proud of you all" the boys all laid down on the ground tired and sweaty. "Nova, Harry rest up we will be going over your routine in 15 minutes" Eric said nodding at Harry and me. I almost forgot that I had to do my dance routine with Harry today. Luckily that one was not that intensive.

"Okay Harry, you will start right behind Nova pressing your chest against her back" Eric said to Harry explaining to him slowly what we were going to do. He first wanted to work on the standing section of the routine. Harry pressed his chest against my back, I was trying to hold in my giggle, but I failed. "Sorry, sorry keep on going" I said to Eric who looked annoyed at me. "Okay Harry, with your left hand, you are going to take Nova's right hand. You are going to reach across her. When you take her hand, you will spin her around placing her hand on your neck" I could see in the mirror that Harry was concentrating really hard. Soon he moved his left hand to my right hand, slightly touching my waist. He grabbed my hand and slowly turned me around making me look him right in his beautiful eyes. "Good, keep in mind that this will go a lot faster later" We both nodded at Eric not looking away from each other. "Nova now you will take both your hands from his neck, and slowly reach down to his hands" Harry had placed his hands on my waist, slowly but surely I made my way down with my hands over his chest to my waist, grabbing his hands. I bit my lips, I started to get hot being so close to Harry. "Okay, Nova now you will spin outwards letting go of one hand, holding onto the other" I started to spin, now only holding Harry's left hand with my right hand, standing next to him. "Yes! Okay this is going well, now comes the difficult bit, you are going to turn back, but while you are turning you going to jump up, Harry will pick you up, making your legs wrap around his waist." I looked at Harry with big eyes, I had no idea how this was going to end. The first few attempts did not end up with me being lifted by Harry. But at the sixth try, Harry got it right and lifted me up. I had never been this close to Harry, feeling his breath against my lips. His hands almost touching my butt holding me up and my hands wrapped around his neck keeping me steady. Harry breathed out slowly, clearly happy that he finally got it.

"Well done guys! Now we are going to do this a 100 more times till you can smoothly do it" Eric said clapping his hands. After doing it for a while me and Harry were getting the hang of it. "Okay wait don't let her go, I am going to grab a chair and will explain the last section to you guys" Eric said running away, getting a chair from somewhere. "Well this is comfortable" Harry said laughing still holding me up. I smiled at him "I am impressed with your dancing skills, Harold, you are quite good" He tightened his grip on my thighs, making me a bit closer to him. "You are not to bad yourself, Nono" Harry said looking me straight in the eyes. His eyes flickered to my lips and went back to my eyes again. I bit my lip and moved my head closer to his, tightening my arms around his neck. I closed my eyes feeling his breath on my lips.

"Found one!" Eric yelled running back into the studio. I jumped slightly making Harry almost drop me. "For fuck's sake" I hear Harry mutter making me laugh. "You guys ready for the next bit?"

"Yeah" We both nodded at him. "Okay Harry, another dancer will place this chair next to you, you are going to sit down, still holding Nova" Eric said moving the chair next to Harry making sure Harry could safely sit down. Harry lifted me up a bit and tightened his grip again. He slowly squatted down, making sure not to miss the chair. "When you are on the chair, you are going to move your hands from her butt to her neck, alright?" Harry nodded, slowly moving his hand along my back to my neck. Goosebumps rose all over my body making my cheeks go red. "Once he is at your neck Nova, you are going to place your hands on his cheeks and then press your forehead against his" I did as I was told slowly pressing my head against his. "At this moment the beat will drop, and you will get off his lap and walk towards the audience, and that's it"

I got up from Harry's lap "Okay that wasn't that bad, we can handle that" I looked at Harry who was scratching his left shoulder. "Of course we can" Harry said slinging his arm across my shoulders. "You guys did great, I am really proud of you guys" Eric said walking to us and giving us a hug. "Thanks Eric, could not do it without you" I said winking at him once he lets me go. "I know" He shrugged his shoulders and stuck his tongue out making Harry and I laugh.

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