chapter twenty-two

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"Hi Talia, where are you?" I sniffled into the phone hoping that Talia could pick me up from a random park that I walked to. After Harry slammed his door I wanted to leave as soon as possible, but Cal was streaming, so I decided to take a walk. But now I am in a random park, and I really wanted to talk to someone before I had practice with the Sidemen.
"Hi babe! What's wrong? I am at Simon's, do I need to pick you up from somewhere?" Talia sounded worried probably because she could hear me softly cry in the phone. I tried not to cry, but I could not help myself. So now a couple of fans have pictures with a red eyed, sad looking Nova. Great. "I am in a random park, I'll send you my life location. It would be great if you could pick me up".

I sat down on the grass and quickly send my life location hoping that Talia would be quick. "Oh you are really close, I'll be there in 5 min!" After saying thank you I hung up and looked at Instagram. I saw some fan edits of me and Harry, which made me even cry more. I was tagged in some new photos, me with some fans that were just taken a couple of minutes ago. I was smiling, but you could see that I had cried. Fans in the comments were wondering why I looked so sad, which made me feel horrible. I don't want the fans to think I am sad because of them.

"Hi girlie!" I heard Talia say, she was standing a couple of meters away a huge smile on her face, but the smile quickly disappeared when she saw my face. "Omg, what happened? Did someone post something online?" She sat down next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I nuzzled closer, feeling safe in her hands. "No, uh me and Harry had a fight" I whispered just loudly enough so that she could hear. "What? You just had your first date yesterday?" She sounded confused which was fair enough it was going really good between us. "He is mad because of what I said during my Instagram live, and I understand, but I am just not ready to tell the world that Harry and I are dating. And he knows that too, but he just feels as if I am embarrassed of him". Talia squeezed my shoulder "well I understand why he is mad, because what you said wasn't nice. But why doesn't he get that you need a bit more time? Never thought that Harry would want it public anyway". Talia said.

I loved that she was honest with me. "I know what I said was way out of line. I don't have to tell everyone he said, but he has the feeling I never want to tell anyone. And he asked me what I was going to tell everyone after our dance at the O2" I sat up straight, wiping my tears away with my sleeves. "I understand where he is coming from, he is insecure anyways, and I don't think this is helping, but he should me more understanding of your feelings too" Talia smiled at me letting me know she wants the best for me.

It was nice hearing Talia's opinion, especially because she was in a similar situation with Simon. "Simon and I made the decision to tell his fans and my fans after half a year. It was difficult to hide, and I wished we told the fans a bit sooner. I felt horrible hiding it and lying about it. In the beginning it was easy to hide, but after a while you just want to go out together without thinking about the fans." I nodded at her before she continued "and your situation is even harder, your much more famous and your fans are really dedicated about knowing everything about you. You can't hide it as easily, so you will be lying more than we ever did. And I think Harry understands this, and just wants the best for you. And those lies will only hurt Harry."

"I am just afraid that I will lose him once everyone knows" I mumbled, biting my fingernails feeling nervous. Talia was silent letting me continue. "All the hate that he will get, and that I will get. The constant pressure of the press, paparazzi that will be following us. All the rumors that will go around" Talia nodded at me, letting me understand that she understood.

"But that will be no different when you get a relationship with anyone else" Talia had a point, it won't. I just sighed and leaned forward into my hands. "I don't think I can do this" I mumbled into my hands, feeling Talia rub circles on my back. "Yes you can babe"

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