chapter thirteen

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The rehearsal between Harry and I went really well. After our little make out session we started dancing, surprisingly Harry remembered most of it. We just wanted to start our choreo again when the rest of the Sidemen walked in. "Yoo, Cindy came up to us and asked us if we wanted to check out the O2, they already started building your set" Tobi asked walking in and sitting in front of the mirror. The boys followed him, all taking their places in front of the mirror. "Well why are you guys sitting then? Let's go!" I yelled at them full of excitement. The O2 is going to be my biggest venue yet, I could not wait to see how big it looked from up the stage. "No, no, no we first want to see your little dance" Ethan said pointing at me and Harry. I looked at Harry shrugging my shoulders, confident at our abilities to perform it. "What?! I am not going.. What are you... Guys!" Harry spoke, lost for words. "Ah c'mon Harold, we are going to see it anyways, might as well show it now" Simon said walking to the stereo ready to turn on my song. "You better not make fun of me then!" He yelled grabbing the chair and putting it in place.

The music started and I suddenly got really nervous. I found it a bit weird to perform this intimate dance in front of the rest of the guys. As soon as I felt Harry's chest pressed against my back, I could tell that he was nervous too. His heart was beating quick. He turned me around, and before I turned I whispered "Breath Harry". Smiling at me, he let go of me making me turn. The rest of the routine went flawless. I looked up at the rest of the boys. They looked shocked. "Damn, Harry, you're really good" Vikk said walking over to him, so he could high-five Harry. "Yeah Boggo, it was actually good" Ethan said giving Harry a pat on his back. "Thanks guys, but I think it looks good because of Nova" I smiled at him, knowing that it was actually him that made me more confident dancing that choreo.

"Shall we go to the O2 then?" Josh questioned walking towards the door. "Yes! But let me put my shoes on first" Harry and I both sat down, needing to put our shoes on. "We'll wait outside" I nodded to Ethan watching them walk away.

"Felt a bit strange, dancing with you like that in front of them" I looked at Harry nodding at him "You did good though" I finished putting on my shoes, walking to the stereo unplugging my phone. Harry stood up and walked to me, engulfing me in a hug. "What can I say, you are a good teacher" He said looking me in my eyes, smirking. "I think you mean that Eric is a good teacher" winking at him letting go of him. Harry grabbed my hands and laid them back on his shoulder. "What are you doing" He looked at me smiling "What do you think?" His head came closer to mine and his hands tightening their grip on my waist. I smiled at him "You're not wasting any time, are you?" He laughed at me our lips just touching each other.

"Are you coming guys?" Ethan suddenly appeared in the doorway. I jumped away as quick as possible "Yes, coming!" I quickly grabbed my bag and passed Ethan when I walked outside. He was smiling at me, probably knowing exactly what was going to happen if he did not enter at that exact moment.

"I don't think I want to do this anymore" Simon said scratching the back of his neck. We were standing on the stage that we were going to perform on in a couple of weeks. It looked enormous. "I can't believe it" I said looking at all the empty seats. Those are going to be filled with all my fans, screaming at me. I felt two hands wrapped around my shoulders "You did all this, Nova, it is going to be an amazing night" JJ said swinging us side to side. "I am not sure if I will be able to do this" JJ let go of me turning me around. "Nova you did a whole tour in Europe, of course you can do this" I might have done a whole tour, but this is by far the biggest venue I have ever performed in. I never thought I would ever perform here. "It's just, I don't know, so biggg" I waved my hands at the seats, sitting down at the edge of the stage. All the boys sat next to me, swinging their legs of the edge. A hand landed on my leg "I don't think you need to worry about yourself, worry about us" Simon said patting my leg with his hand. I laughed shaking my head. "Of course, sorry" I now patted his hand with mine. Simon laughed too, making us both burst out in laughter. "Don't know why you guys are laughing, but I am terrified" Harry said laying back. I sympathized with him, knowing how nervous he was performing it for only the guys. Imagine his fear performing in front of 20.000 people.

"We will be fine, Harold" Josh said launching himself on top of him. The rest saw this as an invitation to jump on top of them, making a big pile. "Thanks for all the support guys" Harry groaned, trying to push them off. "Wait, wait let me take a photo" I stood up walking behind them, making sure you could see all the seats behind them. "Oh, fuck off Nova, I am dying over here" Harry yelled making all of us laugh.

"You guys fancy some food?" Josh asked getting up from the pile. Harry got up making his way to me. "Sure, I'll have some food" Ethan said trying to get some dust of his trousers. Harry placed his hand on my back, making sure nobody sees it. "Could I see the photo?" I opened my gallery, letting Harry see the photo. You could see all their faces, smiling giving the camera a thumbs up. I smiled, the photo was pretty good, if I say so myself. "Guys look at this photo!" Harry said waving them over, moving his hand away from my back. They all huddled together behind me, trying to see the photo.

"Oi, this is sick" Vikk exclaimed "We should post this on Instagram, saying 'big things coming soon'" I looked at Simon "That's actually a good idea, Si!" fans will go crazy trying to figure out what the 'big thing' is.

"It will get fans hyped up, and it will give them a slight hint to the performances" I turned away now facing them. "You should do it, and if one of you takes a photo of me standing in the exact place, we will post it together making them even more curious" I gave my phone to Josh knowing he could take the best photo. "This is a fantastic idea, Nova" Tobi said to me, smiling.

After Josh took a photo, I send them theirs. Editing it slightly we posted it both on our Instagram accounts. Within a couple of minutes, fans were going crazy, coming up with the most crazy ideas about what was going to happen.

"This is going to be sick" Tobi said huddling us all together in one big group hug. 

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