chapter twenty-five

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* How cute was this moment in the last Sidemen Sunday video??? I melted.*

Now the nerves were back, I was about to face Harry and I did not know how he felt about me telling the whole O2 about us. The lights went out, meaning that the Sidemen were about to enter the stage. I walked to the center "this one is for you, thank you for always supporting me. It all started with seven guys, and because of that we prepared something special for you" the crowd went wild, not knowing what to expect. I started singing, and the spotlights lit me and the Sidemen up. The screams were ringing in my ears and my smile went huge. I am glad that they like this surprise. I turned around and saw the Sidemen dancing with huge smiles in their amazing outfits that matched mine.

They lined up for our dance together, and I could not control my nerves any more my hands were shaking a bit. Once I reached Josh he noticed that my hands were shaking a bit "calm down Nova, you're doing great" I smiled at him and moved on to Vikk. He gave me a small smile and I could see that he was enjoying it. That made me feel a bit better, I felt a bit bad about dragging him into this. Next up was Ethan who had the biggest smile on his face "this is amazing" he whispered once I was close enough. "I am glad you are enjoying it" I whispered when I had the chance. Tobi and JJ just smiled at me enjoying the experience. When I reached Simon the nerves surfaced again, because I was almost at Harry. I did not think about this part when I thought of the plan.

"You're fine, he could not stop smiling when you were singing" Simon whispered when he noticed how nervous I was. I gave him a small nod, and he winked at me before I moved on to Harry. The screams became louder once I reached him. He looked serious, and I could not place his emotions. I hope Simon is right.

I took a deep breath in, and moved close to Harry. He was staring at me intensely when I guided his hand to my thigh. Everything around me stopped, and I could not think about anything else but Harry. He was clenching his jaw and whispered "did you really mean all of that?" he still looked insecure. But before I could answer I had to move on.

I left him standing there, moving to the long catwalk that was cutting through the center of the stadium. The slow portion of the song was almost there and my heart was beating fast. Suddenly I felt Harry pressing against my back. His heart was beating fast too, I could feel it. I leaned onto him letting him hold me tightly.

I turned around looking him in his eyes, but he had to turn me. Time was moving fast and slow at the same time. He turned me outwards and picked me up when I moved back. My hands were on his cheeks, he sat us down perfectly without losing eye contact. I felt proud of him, for doing this. His hands came up from my back to my cheeks and our foreheads were touching. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, my eyes fixed on his. I watched his eyes move to my lips and back up to my eyes. I felt my body move forward leaving no space between us. His thumb caressed my cheek and I could not help but look at his lips too.

I heard the beat drop, but instead of moving on I crashed my lips on his. His hands pulled my head closer and his lips moved with mine. I could hear the crowd going wild, making me smile into the kiss. My whole body was tingling, I knew I had to get up, but I couldn't. That's when I felt two hands wrap around my arms and pull me off. It was Simon and Ethan, I laughed at them, and continued singing.

When we finished our routine we were standing next to each other on the end of the catwalk. Confetti was falling on us and I felt amazing. Everyone looked happy and was clapping and cheering us on. I turned towards the boys and pulled them all together having one big group hug. "Thank you guys so much, this was amazing" I said to them. They all smiled at me, and hugged me tight. "I hope you guys liked our little surprise!" I said to all the fans, they of course responded with more screams and cheering. "Do you guys want to take a photo with us?" I asked them knowing they would absolutely love that. The guys and I turned our backs to the crowd and huddled together. I was standing in the middle with Harry and Simon next to me. Josh and Tobi were on the outside and Vikk, Ethan and JJ were crouching in front of us. The photographer took some pictures, and before I knew it they were hugging me to say goodbye.

The last one I gave a hug was Harry, we smiled at each other before he engulfed me in his arms. "I love you too" He whispered in my ear. My cheeks went warm, and I could not help but smile. I pulled back a bit, so I could look him in his eyes, and did not hesitate to kiss him. It felt amazing to show everyone I loved this man. The kiss did not last long because Tobi and JJ pulled Harry away laughing, I waved them off and continued the concert.

"I can't believe you just did that!! Your fans will go crazy!" Cindy told me once I left the stage. I was buzzing, I felt amazing. I could not believe what just happened. "I am proud of you kid, I am glad it all worked out" Dave said to me whilst hugging me. I smiled at them both. "Do you think the news will be positive?" I asked Cindy hoping that everyone will receive the news about Harry and I in a good way. She nodded at me squeezing my shoulders. "And if not, you and Harry will get through it together" She gave me a small smile. "Thank you guys, I could not wish for a better team than you guys" I was a bit teary eyed, the support I received from them is amazing. "Go on, I think you have some girls waiting for you in your dressing room" Dave winked at me slightly pushing me in the direction of my dressing room.

"OMG, that was amazing!! AND YOU KISSED HIM!!" Talia screamed once I opened the door. The three girls engulfed me in one big group hug. "TWICE" Freya screamed. I giggled, I felt on top of the world. I just experienced my dream and I told everyone I loved Harry. And he loved me back. "I know! I can't believe it" I flopped down on the couch the sudden exhaustion coming over me. "He tolled me he loves me too" I whispered not quite believing it myself.

I looked up seeing three wide-eyed girls looking at me. "Oh my god" Gee silently whispered smiling at me. My smile grew wide too, thinking about him. "I am so happy for you!" Talia sat down next to me, grabbing my hands. "You deserve it" I gave her a small smile feeling a bit overwhelmed. "I can't believe that you just did all of this" Freya sat down next to me too and waved her hands around. "I know right" I was in a sort of haze, not quite believing what just happened. "What if my fans hate Harry" I silently whispered the sudden panic coming back. "Babe your fans love him, and what does it matter if they do hate him? You love him and that is all that matters" Gee crouched down in front of me looking me straight into my eyes not letting my panic come back. I grabbed her hands and squeezed them letting her know I appreciate it.

Suddenly we heard a knock on my dressing room door. Freya looked at me confused, and I looked back at her confused too. The door opened slightly revealing a freshly showered Harry. He smiled at me and a wave of calm washed over me. I smiled back "come in". The only thing I could think of is how hot he looked with slightly wet hair. "We'll leave you guys alone, we will see you at Simon and Jj's later!" Talia said giving me a smug smile. We were having an after party at their house later, we planned to go together with the girls but then Harry appeared. I nodded at them, but I kept looking at Harry. They silently left my dressing room, but Harry and I could not look away from each other. Once they left Harry just stood there and smiled. "Hey" I said to him feeling nervous all of a sudden. A mix of butterflies and nerves were roaming around in my body.

He sat down next to me on the couch, laying one arm on the couch behind me. His body was directed towards me. "Hi" he whispered back. I could see he was nervous too, a red tint on his cheeks. "I can't believe what you just did" he told me with a smile. "Did you like it?" I fiddled with my fingers feeling like a teenager talking with her crush.

Harry grabbed my hands making me stop and look at him. "I was blown away, I could not believe it. I am so proud, and I am not going to lie I almost cried" He laughed, and I laughed with him feeling the nerves wash away. "I kissed you in front of everyone, twice" I giggled feeling proud of myself. "You did" He had a wide smile on his face, and his eyes were twinkling. I looked into his eyes and slowly lowered them to his lips, one of his hands grabbed my neck and pulled me forwards closing the gap between us. Our lips moved in sync and I felt my whole body tingle. I wanted to be closer, so I straddled him, making me sit on top of him. My hands were in his hair and his hands were on my butt. It was quickly getting heated, catching up with the time we lost. We could not get enough of each other.

After a while I slightly moved back smiling at him. "I love you Harry" His smile grew wide, and he gave me a small kiss "I love you too, Nova" I felt on top of the world hearing him say it. I laid my head on his shoulder my lips pressed against his neck. "I am sorry that it took me this long" I mumbled into his neck feeling quite guilty. "Its alright love, it's all good now" He hugged me tight. I felt at peace with him and I could be in his arms like this forever. 

* I hope you guys are loving this book as much as I am. There are not that many chapters left though :( Let me know if you still like to see something happen before the book is done! And thank you guys so much for reading and voting!! It means allot! *

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