Chapter 6

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When I wake up, my roommate is already gone. She hasn't talked to me since we introduced ourselves yesterday morning, only entering the room to grab something and immediately head back out. Every time she returns, she smells like weed.

As I brush my teeth, all I want to do is lie in my bed and stay there. I don't want to smile and introduce myself. I don't want to talk about where I'm from and what my hobbies are. I just want to close my eyes and sleep. Still, I put on a clean, white top and brush through the tangled brown knots of my hair before leaving the room.

All of the computer science majors meet by the home goal on the football field. Some people are already chatting while a few exceptions stare at their phones by themselves. I can't help wanting to be the latter.

From across the field, I see Zack towering over a group of people all laughing. He catches my eye and waves. I wave back tiredly.

"Do you know him?"

Blinking, I turn towards the voice to find an olive-skinned girl with dark almond-shaped eyes. She's short but walks like she's six feet tall and her ponytail swings with power.

I nod, hoping my smile doesn't look forced. "He's my boyfriend."

"Really?" she asks with so much shock that I'm tempted to just walk away.


"I'm friends with Marcus," she explains. "My name's Mia, by the way."

"I'm Amelia," I say. "It's cool that you know Marcus. I've only met him once."

"Well, you're Zack's girl so I'm sure you'll get to know him," she says. "What is it like, by the way? Dating a guy so many girls are after."

This catches me slightly off guard but before I can answer, a taller Asian girl runs over. "Mia! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

They embrace immediately and I wonder if this is my cue to walk away but when they pull back, the Asian girl says, "Oh, hey! I'm Katy."

"Amelia," I say, shaking her offered hand.

"Zack's girlfriend?" Katy asks. She tilts her head so her hair falls to the side. It's dyed a pretty ashy blonde color and falls down like a waterfall.

"Yeah," I confirm. "Do you know him?"

"Doesn't everyone know Zack Darrington?" she says. "What is he like? Is he not a stereotypical athlete?"

"Katy!" Mia scolds. "Don't ask her about her boyfriend! That's so suspicious."

"Oh my gosh, I'm not gonna steal him! I'm just curious," Katy says.

I let out a laugh. "He's a really good boyfriend," I say. "We met when we were 16 and we've kind of been through a lot."

"That is the cutest thing ever," Katy gushes. "Seriously, you're like the main character of a chick flick."

"I think my life is too boring for that," I reply. "I'm literally a CS major."

"Hey, computer science majors are hot. I mean, look at me," Mia says. "And when we're rich in ten years, we'll be even hotter."

"I like your mindset," I say.

"What's your number?" Katy asks. "Since we're the same major, we'll probably see you around."

I pull it out of my pocket then remember it's shut off. When I turn it on, there's 14 missed calls. I bite my lip and clear them rapidly before handing her the phone.

"We need to hang out soon," Katy says, wrapping her arm around my shoulders as she types in her number. "After all, three is better than two."

In my experience, friend groups of three are never better than two but I just smile and thank the heavens that I at least met someone today.

A/N: reads, votes, comments r the spice to my life 

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