Chapter 65

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Three days go by without any sign of Marcus but we all knew the second we saw his things gone that he won't be coming back any time soon. He was never really one to wrap things up nicely before acting.

Before he left, he did leave one thing. A post-it stuck to my door.

Thanks for ruining my life.

I lookout for more notes or texts during the rest of the week but nothing appears. It takes everything in me to not feel guilty. To remind me that it isn't my fault.

Zack and I walk around the football field. It's one of the last days of the school year. I was supposed to stay with his family for the summer but since we broke up, that obviously hasn't been an option.

He stares out at the field, hands in his pockets and his hair lifting in the wind. The first time we were here, we were so happy to finally just be together.

Where did everything go wrong?

"You're flying to Mia's tomorrow, right?" he asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I nod.

"And you signed the lease?" he asks.

I nod again. Ever since Marcus left, we've been getting along. It's been hard to find a place to stay in the fall so we've agreed to stay in our original apartment. After all, Mia will be there and we'll have separate rooms.

What could go wrong?

"I've been thinking about us," he says. His tone is more factual than anything.

"So have I," I say.

While we aren't together, the lines have blurred.

"I do love you, Amelia," he says.

I give him a small smile. "I think I'll always love you."

We've stopped walking now and I can already tell where this is going.

"I'm not saying it was your fault but you breaking up with me... really hurt me," he says. "That's not something I can just get over."

"I know," I say, taking his hand. "It hurt a lot for me, too."

"But I also realized that I have things to work on," he says. "I mean, I almost killed Marcus. That's not... I can't be like that."

I shake my head. "Neither of us are perfect. If I had just talked to you, things would've been different. Not just about Marcus but about everything."

He pauses and we let the air be still around us. A second of peace.

"I think we need a break," he says finally.

It was what I was expecting but I feel my head fall anyway.

I force myself to lift my chin. Meet his eyes. "The summer will be good to take some time apart," I say, trying to keep a smile.

He nods. "Friends?"

My body reacts weirdly to the word. "Friends."

"This is good," he says, more to himself than me. "Friends can live together. I mean, we'll have separate rooms and I'll... stay out of your business."

I smirk. "You think it'll be okay?"

"I might have to get a lock on my door," he says, stretching out his arms as he shakes his head. "Don't know what you'll decide to do in the middle of the night."

I smack his arm and he smirks.

"You're not so irresistible," I say.

He cocks a brow at me. "You like me."

"You're delusional."

We exchange smiles.

A nagging thought pokes my brain. My conscience.

"You know," I say. "If you find a girl you like..."

His smile drops. "Amelia-"

"No, I'm serious," I say. "If you find a girl you really like... I'll beat her ass."

He bursts out in laughter and I bite down on my smile.

"Okay, but really. If you find someone, don't worry about me. I just want you to be happy," I say.

To be honest, it feels like shit to say, but it's what's right.

He stares at me. "Same with you. Don't be jealous."

"You're the jealous one," I say.

"I thought we were just friends," he says.

I press my lips together. "We are." I look down. "But I'll always be cheering for you."

He lets out a small smile. His phone alarm goes off and his face falls a bit. "I have to meet with Coach."

"Okay," I say, trying not to let my face fall.

"What time are you leaving tomorrow?" he asks.

"Five in the morning."

"I can drive you-"

"Zack," I interrupt.

He lets out a laugh. "Right." He looks around. "I guess this is goodbye then."

I bite on my lip. "Have a good summer, Zack."

He looks at me and a smile cracks on the edge of his lips. "Have a good summer, Princess."

Stepping forward, he presses a kiss to my forehead. I close my eyes and when he steps away, it feels cold again.

"You go ahead," I tell him. "I'm gonna stay here a bit longer."

"Okay," he says hesitantly. "Bye, Amelia."

He gives me one last look before turning around as if memorizing my face for the last time. I watch as he walks away, staring until the 23 on his back disappears with him.

End of Book 2

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