Chapter 33

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Dozens of colored string lights hang from shop to shop, twinkling like stars in the sky. Festive chatter fills the air as children run around and couples share kisses. A man in a Santa costume rings his bell, holding his rounded belly as he laughs. The sound mingles with carolers singing Silent Night on the streets.

Zack interlaces our hands and puts them in the pocket of his jacket. I roll my eyes as he gripes about how long the line for the bakery is.

"You're not a celebrity here," I tell him, amused. "Get used to waiting in line like the rest of us commoners."

"I'm used to waiting in line," he retorts. "Just not an hour long for some cookies."

I gasp at him mockingly. "Where is your Christmas spirit, Zack Darrington?"

We step into the shop where iced sugar cookies stand on display. I order five Santas, a couple snowflakes, marshmallow fudge, and a caramel apple for Tommy.

"Of course, his shit is the most expensive," Zack remarks as I hold the caramel apple box in my hands with the utmost care. "Here, I'll hold it."

"No," I say. "I don't want you dropping it."

"Of course. I forgot. It's for your treasured boyfriend," he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Being jealous of a 12-year-old is not a good look for you," I reply, pulling out a cookie for him.

He takes a bite then gives me the rest with a grimace. "Too sweet."

We watch the carolers sing and sniff hot chocolate candles. Well, I waft, and he inhales, resulting in a coughing fit. We observe Christmas cakes and stuffed animals on display.

I catch him staring at an old teddy bear with a football jersey on. When we reach the fragrance shop, I spray him with some cinnamon apple body spray.

Although he claims to be bored, I watch Zack survey the antique store, running his fingers over the spines of old books and sifting through the pages.

As we approach the giant Christmas tree wreathed in tinsel and a bright star on top, my whole body feels warm and fuzzy. Zack stands beside me and we watch the lights alternate colors until all of the different colors turn on at once.

"For you," he says. I turn and he's holding out an old copy of Little Women from the antique store. As I take the book in my hands, it feels fragile and crisp.

"Thank you. I love it," I say immediately. With a short laugh, I pull out the teddy bear from the bakery bag where it was hidden. "For you."

"A teddy bear?" he says in mock disapproval but his smile creeps out anyway.

I grin. "A friend. To talk to when you're lonely... to protect you from the monsters... "

He snorts. "Will he braid my hair and sing me lullabies too?" he asks as he uses a finger to brush the bear's fur.

"You like him," I say. It's not a question. "And I know it's not Christmas yet but I wanted to give this to you in private."

From my bag, I pull out a small book decorated with pictures, stickers, and doodles. The story of our relationship.

"You made this?" he asks, eyes soft. His smile peeks out as he flips through the pages.

"I did," I say proudly. "Do you like it?"

"I love it," he says. His head hangs for a second. "Mine is gonna look shit in comparison."

"What do you mean?"

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a plush box. When I open, rings with tiny sparkling stars glitter under the light.

We match eyes and laugh simultaneously.


"Like you said, I wanted to give it to you privately," he says as I hold out my hand to let him slip on the rings.

"It's perfect," I say.

The overwhelming urge to kiss him fills me so I tiptoe up and give him what's meant to be a quick peck. The taste of sugar and that hint of smoke that's always there makes my mind so fuzzy and I find I can't stop.

"Should we go?" I ask, finally pulling away.

His hand travels over my hip, under the hem of my shirt, and he nods. "I'm ready to go."

A/N: ewww romance... still vote tho :)

Chapter 34

The next morning is Christmas. Tommy wakes up everyone in the house at eight in the morning to run down to the tree. An array of presents sit under the tree, most of them with his name on them.

Tommy rips through the presents, getting wrapping paper everywhere and piling the gifts in a tower, shouting, "Thank you!" between each gift. The last gift is a small, neatly wrapped t-shirt.

"Who got you that?" Carrie asks, shooting Pete a small smile.

Tommy places the shirt over his chest and looks over the card. "My girlfriend," he says nonchalantly.

"You have a girlfriend?" Pete asks, shocked. "Since when?"

"Duh, I have a girlfriend," Tommy says. "She's an eighth grader. Tara Amini."

"Nice!" Marcus says, slapping his back. "Carrying on the family legacy."

Tommy rolls his eyes at Marcus then turns to me. "Sorry, Amelia. It was never gonna work. We're just in different places in life right now."

"That's very mature of you," I say as Zack mutters, "No kidding."

"What's this?" I hear Marcus speak up all of a sudden. His face is ghastly and his hands are clenched around a jacket, half unwrapped.

Carrie exchanges a look with Pete. "Your mom gave it to me to give it to you," she says carefully.

"Well, I don't want it," he says harshly. "Tell her she can fuck off for all I care. She's not my mom."

"Marcus, she just wanted to give you the jacket-"

"I don't give a shit."

"Watch your language," Pete warns. His eyes flicker to Tommy on the floor.

Marcus's eyes flash. "Tell her to stay away."

He tosses the jacket to the floor and storms out of the room, leaving us in silence. Discomfort swirls in my chest as we stay frozen, unsure of how to proceed.

Zack gets up. "I'll get him."

"Leave him," Carrie says. "He'll need some time to cool off."

"I'll handle it." Zack leaves the room.

I feel myself start to rise but Carrie stops me. "Let them go," she says, pulling Tommy up into the seat with her. "He'll take care of it."

Her voice drops a little, sad almost. "He always does."

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