Chapter 29

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We end up getting pizza and it's painfully silent as we wait for the food to come out. I stare at Daniel, trying to read him. He's 16 but he's always looked at least my age if not older. His almond eyes are bland, probably bored, and his hoodie is from one of those expensive brands that I don't know how to pronounce.

"How were finals? You're taking AP Psych, right?" I ask. Even to me, my voice sounds forced.

He shrugs. "Didn't even study. Ms. Trainor likes me."

"You have Trainor? Man, she loved me," Zack says, reminiscing.

I grimace. She didn't like me. In fact, she didn't like any of the girls.

"On game days, she just lets me nap in the corner," Daniel says with a smirk.

"You're supposed to be there to learn," I mutter through gritted teeth. This can't possibly be the same Ms. Trainor who would get pissed at me for asking if I could use the bathroom.

"She didn't like you, did she?" Zack teases.

I shoot him a look. "She didn't like anyone who wasn't a six foot two football player."

"Or maybe it's because you're such a know-it-all," Zack teases.

I shoot him a glare and look at Daniel. "If she ever invites you for some 'extra credit session' or some creepy shit like that, you stay away."

He gags. "What the fuck? She's, like, mom's age."

"I'm just saying," I say, sipping my sprite. "Don't trust anyone."

"She watches one episode of Criminal Minds and look what happens," Zack mutters.

"I have a girl, you know. I'm not that desperate," Daniel says.

"I know," I say. "Clair Townsend, right?"

"No, Kayla Hernandez. I dumped Clair a while ago."

"Weren't you together last time we called?" Which was about a week ago.

"Yeah," he says, shrugging. "But now I'm with Kayla. Well, not yet. But I will be when I ask her. Any advice?"

Zack starts, "Well, the way I asked your sister out wasn't-"

"Nah, not you," Daniel says. "How did you get him, Amelia?"

I blink. "Excuse me?"

"Honestly, who knows," Zack jumps in. "She probably prayed a lot. Did one of those manifestation rituals or something."

"I did not!" I protest.

"Seriously, dude. Like, I'm straight but you're hot as fuck. Good at the game too. I'm jealous," Daniel says and Zack brushes it off but he's grinning.

"Come on. You're a good-looking dude. I'm sure you pull," Zack responds.

I start chewing on ice.

"I do alright," Daniel concedes. "But girls at school still talk about you. That's a whole other level."

"I doubt that," I mutter.

"I'm serious," Daniel says. "My sister's a lucky girl."

"You know what, man? She's lucky to have you as a brother," Zack says, leaning forward to slap his arm.

"You're both delusional," I say. "And for the record, Zack liked me first."

"Not true," Zack denies immediately.

"Am I mistaken or was it you that kept trying to talk to me during breaks and follow me around and convince me to come to games?" I say.

He bites his lip then looks away. "You definitely liked me first."

"Don't worry, Zack. We both know the truth," Daniel reassures him, patting his back.

I glare. "And it was me who always drove you to your practices and bought your protein powder and helped you with your homework," I tell Daniel. "And what have you done for me?"

It's a joke but the air turns quiet and he looks down.

"I'm here now," he says finally.

I nod. "I appreciate that."

The waiter arrives with the pizza and we each take a slice. I make sure Daniel gets the one with the most mushrooms because they're his favorite. He refills my soda when it's empty and grabs the check when we leave.

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