Chapter 49

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I sit on my bed, my back straight against the wall. The notebook in my hands cracks open, fresh and crisp, as I start to sift through the blank pages. My hand rests on the page, my mind absolutely empty.

Every time a thought enters my head, I jot it down only to immediately cross it off. It's stupid, anyway.

Grabbing a bag of gummy worms, I pop one in my mouth and try to think of something- anything to write.

My first thought is Tangled, that Disney movie about Rapunzel. It pops into my head for no reason and so begins a story of a girl trapped in a castle that I know I'll hate in two days but I write it anyway.

I spend pretty much every day alone, mainly because I'm even busier than before. Instead of being bombarded with helping people study and going to games, I take whatever free time I have to write and even start going to the gym.

As I run on the treadmill, I realize I must be really fucked up to actually enjoy exercising now.

It's still painful. I've never had super great endurance or strength but it's a different kind of pain. A good pain.

I step off the treadmill once my body feels tired and wipe my face with a towel. As I stretch, I already know that shower's going to feel good as hell.


Mia hops out beside me, dressed in gray leggings and a loose white top. Sweat glistens along her forehead but her smile is easy as she starts to stretch beside me.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" she exclaims. "Do you usually come at this time?"

I smile at her, glancing at the clock. "No, my shift got cancelled so I thought I'd stop by. Did you just finish your dance class?"

"Yeah, I did," she says. "Hey, did you get your registration date yet? Mine is super late."

"Mine is late, too," I say. "But I'm thinking of adding some creative writing classes next semester just for fun. I don't know if I'll be able to take the full six again."

"That's really good," she says sincerely. "I'm so happy for you. Ugh, you're gonna make me cry in the gym."

I laugh in response, nudging her slightly as we get up to leave. Before we even open the door, I see him.

It's like a car crash- his eyes meeting mine. My heart sinks as Zack stops mid-laugh, face falling when he sees me. Next to him, Marcus and Katy continue to ramble, not noticing us.

He's slimmer in the face than when I last saw him, more gaunt, and his undereyes are dark.

Maybe I'm just imagining it. I hope I am.

Neither of us stops as we approach each other. Mia starts talking extra fast next to me in an attempt to distract me but it's no use.

"Amelia! Mia!" Katy waves at us with a bright, white smile.

I paste on a smile and wave back. Zack's scent fills the air and it hits me like a truck. When I let my eyes flit to him, he's looking away.

It's like we're strangers.

My head dips as we pass by each other. I can hear Marcus's guffaw as Mia and I step outside.

Reminding myself that I chose to do this, I take a deep breath and pick up my pace. A single tear creeps out but I wipe it quickly. Mia's now silent beside me.

"Do you wanna grab dinner after showering?" she asks as we approach our rooms.

I start to reject her but she gives me a look. "Amelia."

"Sure," I agree finally. "I think that's a good idea."

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