Chapter 27

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A light smile plays on my lips as I pick up the picture frame settled on the fireplace ledge. Careful not to get my fingerprints on it, I stare down at young Zack in an oversized football jersey, kneeling and smiling with crooked teeth.

"You were on the phone for a long time," a voice says. Marcus walks in, hands tucked in his pockets, and stands next to me. "Who was it?"

I place the photo back where it belongs with a small smile. "My brother."

"You still talk?" he asks.

"Actually, we never really talked before but he called me out of the blue... It's complicated."

"Family always is," Marcus responds, examining a photo of Carrie and Pete. "Sometimes it's good to let them go."

"You don't regret it?" I ask, not making eye contact.

"No," he says casually. Too casually. "My parents liked drugs more than they liked me and now I feel the same way."

"I'm sorry," I say.

"I'm not," he says. "Now that they're gone, no one controls me and I don't have to take care of their sorry asses. I hate that shit."

"And you don't talk to them at all?"

He smirks slightly, looking over at me. "My good opinion once lost is lost forever."

I blink and let out a laugh. "Do you just have all of Pride and Prejudice memorized for when it's convenient?"

"It works like a charm when I'm trying to pick up chicks that like books."

I chuckle. "Well, maybe one day it'll lead you to the love of your life. The one who will bewitch you heart and soul."

He glances at me then shrugs. "Maybe."

"There you are." Zack walks in, handing me a plate of pie. He catches sight of the photo I was staring at and snatches it away.

"Hey!" I say, chasing him while trying to eat the pie. "Give it!"

He holds it up so it's out of my grasp, grinning down at me wickedly. "What do I get in return?"

I narrow my eyes. "How about I don't step on your face?"

"Hey, not the face," he says. "You don't touch the art."

In response, I swoop a dollop of whipped cream and plop it on his face.

"It's ruined now." He grabs me by the waist and spins me, causing the pie to fall on my shirt.

"Zack!" I scold but it comes out airy from laughter.

He's holding in his laugh as he grabs a couple of napkins and wipes my chest. I raise a brow at the intentional incompetence and he stops to grab my chin in his hand.

He turns my face to the left then the right before pressing his lips to mine. It tastes like cinnamon and cream.

Laughing, he reaches out and swipes whipped cream that transferred from his face to mine. The smile drops from his face as I reach out and place his finger on my tongue, closing my lips around it. My mind goes as pink as my face probably is as his eyes flash darkly.

He removes his hand and claims my mouth with his instead. My hands go automatically to the back of his neck. I pull away abruptly when I remember that Marcus is in the room.

When I look at the fireplace, he's already gone.

The Stadium's Star [COMPLETE]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon