Chapter 62

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We step into the elevator and I try to reach around, still feeling glass in my skin.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?" Zack asks, scanning over every inch of my face with his eyes.

"I think I got some glass in my back but I'm not sure."

He steps forward then hesitates. "Can I..."

"Uh... yeah," I say, clearing my throat.

He grabs the bottom of my shirt. "Is this okay?" he asks as he starts to lift it up.

"Yeah," I answer, trying not to make it obvious that my respiratory system is having a breakdown.

His hands send a shiver up my spine as they trace my back and pick out pieces of glass. I wince at the feeling and try to ignore the way my face is heating up.

"You might have to go to the hospital," he says.

"That's okay," I say. "What about you?"

"I'll be fine," he says.

"You shouldn't have done that," I say. "You'll both be kicked off the team if they find out."

"Don't worry about it," he says.

"How can I not-"

My voice cuts off as the elevator door opens at the bottom floor. Mia and Dominique stand outside along with two other people, staring at us with wide eyes. Zack drops his hold on my shirt quickly and steps away.

"You look like shit," Mia tells Zack, breaking the silence.

"I was in a fight. What's your excuse?" he replies.

She flips him off as I stare at Zack. How can he be joking around right now?

"Mia, Marcus is still in the room," I say.

"We'll get him," she says. "You guys go."

I start to protest. "I don't know if you-"

"He won't do anything but I have my pepper spray in case," she says, holding up the pink spray.

"That looks dumb," Zack says.

She raises a brow. "Says the guy covered in his own blood."

He grimaces and she waves us off.

"Go," Mia says strongly. "You guys have done enough."

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