Chapter 51

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Rushing to my room, I burst in, snatch the golden gift bag, and toss some clothes into a duffel bag before sprinting back out. I dial Mia's number again as I approach the parking lot but she doesn't pick up so I leave a message.

"Hey. Did you leave yet? I talked my manager into letting me go home early at the last second. Call me back!"

My neck cranes, trying to find her van. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a flash of long, chestnut hair and make a run for it.

"Mia!" I call out.

She turns around, dressed in a white puffy jacket and jeans. "Hey!"

My breath slows as I run over, readjusting the handle of my duffel bag. "Did you get my message? I can come if you still have space."

Her lips part. "Oh... I mean, yeah we have space but..."

I follow her gaze and turn around to see the car door open with Katy and Zack seated inside. Katy's eyes are wide at me but Zack doesn't even glance at me.

"I didn't know he was coming. Katy just brought him," Mia whispers into my ear.

Blinking, I stand there in a daze. I think Katy says something to me but I'm too busy contemplating turning around and just making a run for it to hear her.

"You just gonna keep staring? Sit down," Zack says.

His voice breaks me out of my thoughts as his dark eyes burn into mine. It only lasts a second before he looks away again.

I lift my chin and climb into the backseat.

As I'm getting into my seat, I barely catch him mutter, "I thought you said she wasn't gonna be here."

Katy loudly whispers back, "I thought she wasn't!"

Trying not to let it get to me, I sit down in the back. An African-American guy I don't recognize dressed in a red hoodie and black sweats sits alone next to me.

"Hi," I say, sticking out my hand and buckling my seatbelt. "I'm Amelia."

"Anthony," he introduces himself, shaking it.

"How do you know Mia?" I ask.

He laughs slightly. "I don't really," he says. "Dominique's my sister and my mom said she could only go if I go so here I am."

I follow his eye line to where Mia's current crush sits in the passenger seat.

"That's nice of you," I say. "Going on a camping trip with a bunch of strangers so your sister can have fun."

He shrugs. "She would kill me if I didn't but, sure, I'll take credit for being a great older brother."

"You're older?" I ask. "How old are you?"

Anthony scrunches his nose as if contemplating whether to tell me. "21. I'm old," he says finally. "You?"

"I'm 18."

"Barely legal," he says with a slight gasp. "That's fun."

I laugh but it's cut off when Zack clears his throat. He's still looking forward when Katy leans over to whisper something in his ear. He responds with a simple nod then closes his eyes, jaw set.

"Happy birthday to me!" Mia exclaims, trying to break the tension and starting to drive.

A/N: Not to be that bitch but I just got into UMich, which is where Zack and Amelia go and I just thought that was cute and wanted to share :)

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