Chapter 38

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TW: I've put a TW at the end of this chapter for the sake of not providing spoilers. There will also be a summary at the end of the chapter if you want to skip it completely.

One day until Zack returns.

It startles me how we went almost two years without seeing each other in person for months at a time while now it feels odd to be apart for a week.

After work, I shower and take some time to rest. Ever since I cut off my parents it's been easier to focus in school and my grades are good enough that I can afford short breaks.

Marcus calls me around six to ask for help with a homework problem so I throw on some sweats and head out.

When I enter the dorm, the place reeks of marijuana. He didn't even open the windows. My nose wrinkles slightly as my senses start to adjust.

"Hey!" he greets in the midst of lighting a bong. "Wanna hit?"

"I'm okay," I say. "Are you sure you wanna study right now? I can come back."

He shakes his head, getting up. "Nah. Just give me, like, a minute."

After inhaling, he stands up and motions for me to follow him as he lifts the window open.

"Look at the sky," he says as he leans against it, his voice slightly wistful.

"It's really pretty," I agree, standing beside him.

There's a swoosh of wind in the quiet.

"You know, I really wanna thank you," he says. "No one's ever... put this much effort into me. If that makes sense."

I smile, shaking my head slightly. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing," he says strongly. "I know you're just doing this because Zack's trying to... watch over me or whatever but-"

"Hey," I interrupt. "You're my friend. I want you to succeed."

He smirks. "Zack did say you have this, like, unnatural urge to help people."

I scratch my cheek, tilting my head to the side. Sure, I try to help out when I can but I'm no Mother Theresa.

"That's not true."

Marcus smiles softly at me, the rims of his eyes slightly red. "Why are you here, Amelia?"

My brows crease. "To help you to study," I say with a laugh.

"No, seriously. I know it's more than just that." He steps closer. "What did you come here for?"

I back away. "To study... I just remembered I have an assignment due tonight I should work on. I'm gonna go-"

"Wait," he says. "I have something for you."

"I should really-"

He digs through his bag and pulls out a book. "It's a late Christmas present."

Pride and Prejudice.

"You didn't have to," I say, biting on my lip. It's honestly more burdensome than anything else.

"Just take it."

Figuring it'll be quickest to just take it and leave, I reach for the book. "Thanks."

"Amelia." He stops me again as I approach the door.

I turn around with my hand on the handle.

"Yes?" I ask, not bothering to hide the annoyance in my voice anymore.

"Zack comes back tomorrow," he says pointedly.

"Yeah, I know."

He steps closer. "Are you gonna tell him about us?"

I blink. "What?"

"Don't play dumb, Amelia," he says. "I know you like me. Ever since we worked together, I've known. That's why you've been doing all this."

My brows furrow. "Because you're Zack's cousin."

He shakes his head. "Don't deny it, Amelia. We have something."

I start to turn the door handle. "I'm with Zack-"

"He doesn't have to know," he says.

"Marcus, I don't feel that way about you. I'm leaving."

Before I can open the door, he grabs my wrist and clashes his lips against mine, pressing me against the door. One of his hands presses into my arms angrily. I hit my hands against his chest but he ignores me, holding my face in his hands so I can't escape.

My protests come out undecipherable. Mustering all my strength, I shove his chest harder and he pulls away, staring down at me in shock.

"What the fuck?!" he shouts.

Gripping my wrist harder, he pulls me to him again, kissing my neck. He shoves me into the door so hard my back aches and squeezes my arms.

Still hitting his chest, I kick him. It's not enough to really hurt him but it surprises him enough to loosen his grip. Before I can process it, I'm running out the door, panting and dizzy. I don't stop running until I'm back in my room.

I should've yelled at him. I should've kicked and screamed and punched his nose or something.

But I was fucking scared.

The phone rings and my body jolts back at the sound. My phone screen lights up with Zack's name.

I let it ring until the sound fades. Then a second time. Once it stops, I turn on the light and lay on my bed.

As exhausted as my body feels, I can't fall asleep. I spend the night just laying there, trying to make my thoughts go away.

TW: This chapter contains a non-consensual kiss scene and drug use.

Summary: Amelia goes to Marcus's room to help him study the day before Zack returns. He aggressively kisses her even though she tries to push him off her. She kicks him and escapes to her room. Zack calls her but she doesn't pick up.

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