Ch. 17 "Flue"

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                                                 Brooke POV 

Today I woke up feeling kind of funny, first of all I keep switching back from hot to cold, and my throat hurts really bad, and everything hurts, 

But I just brush it off, I held on my Iron Man toy as I walked down the hall barefoot in my PJ's it was early I don't think anyone was awake, 

I walked into the living room, I see Bucky, he was sitting on the couch he looked sad, I quickly grabbed one of the photo albums that me and Daddy look at before I take a nap, I crawl on the couch then into his lap 

"What are you doing squirt?" He said 

"This always cheers daddy up," I said opening the album 

Bucky chuckled 

"Of course it does he's sentimental," He said 

I looked up at him with my head against his stomach, 

"What's sentimental mean?" I asked 

"Don't worry about it squirt," He said ruffling my pigtails 

I looked down at a picture of our old home, and my smile fell, 

"What's wrong?" He asked 

"Was it because of the bad men that we had to leave?" I asked looking down at the picture, 

Bucky closed the album, 

"Yes, but it's alright this is better your safe here, and there is a lot more for you to do, and now you have a bigger family instead of you and your daddy," Bucky said 

He picked me up and had me in the air above his head, 

"Now that not so bad is it?" He said 

I giggled, 

"No," I said 

He set me down, 

"Good, I'll be back I've got to find your dad," He said 

I was walking around in a daze until I rounded the corner and fell on my bottom looking up I see Clint, 

"Brooke, you okay?" He said looking at me funny, 

He placed a hand on my forehead, his eyes got wide, He picked me up, 

"FRIDAY get Steve," Clint said 

"Of course," FRIDAY said 

                               Steve POV 

I was in the training room with Nat until, 

"Mr. Rogers Mr Barton requested your assistants with miss Brooklyn," Friday said 

I stopped what I was doing, 

"Why what's the problem?" I asked worried 

"It appears she has a high fever," FRIDAY said 

I looked at Nat and took off 

I see Clint in the lab laying Brooke on the table looking like she was in a daze, I placed my hand on her forehead 

She was burning up, 

"What is it, cold, ammonia? flue? chickenpox?" I said asking all kinds of questions, 

"Steve calm down, I will find out once you let me," Bruce said 

"Come on daddy back it up," Bucky said 

Bruce ran some tests, 

"Alright it appears she has the flue, she needs rest and fluids," Bruce said 

"Fluids rest," I said picking her up

She laid her head on my shoulder and I could tell she was warm, I have to remember she is only three her immune system isn't the best yet, I thought 

I hear footsteps behind me, I see Bucky, 

"I'm gonna help you take care of her," He said 

I nodded, 

I laid her in bed covering her up, Bucky laid her Iron man toy in her arms and he eyes slowly flutter shut, 

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