Ch. 5 "Story"

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                                                                Steve POV

"Come on Brooke lets get you to bed," I said bending down and picking her up, 

"Bye Iron Man! Bye Bye Avengers!" She said waving at them over my shoulder 

I walked into Brooke's room gently laying her down in bed, 

"Daddy are they your friends?" Brooke asked me with her puppy dog eyes that look identical to mine, 

"Yes, they are sweetheart," I said pulling the covers over her gently, 

"How come they are here?" She asked 

"Because something very bad happened," I said handing her the Iron Man toy, 

She held it close to her with both of her tiny arms, 

I went to get up, 

"Daddy?" She said 

"Yes my little star?" I said 

"Will you tell me the story of how you met Iron man again?" She said looking at me, 

I smiled oh man if Tony knew I thought 

"Alright only for a little, they are waiting for me," I said 

"Okay," She said 

So I told her how I met Tony and how sarcastic and bull headed he was on that mission to defeat Loki, 

He eyelids slowly flutter shut and I quietly get up and tip Toe out the room leaving the door cracked 

"Aww, That was an adorable story Cap Sickle ," Tony said smirking, 

I let out a frustrated sigh, knowing he knew I told her the about him, 

"So mind explaining?" Natasha said 

"She's my daughter," I said crossing my arms, 

"Yeah, we gathered that," Bucky said crossing his arms, 

"How? who's the lucky lady?" Tony asked 

"Well, it's not exactly like that..." I said trailing off, 

"How is it then?" Bruce asked 

"Well.." I said 

So I explained everything to them, from me finding her in a chamber, how she was basically created from my DNA,how she was just a baby when I found her, and how I couldn't just leave her there so I took her, 

"Dam HYDRA," Bucky said 

"Does she know?" Thor asked 

"Of course not she's only three," I said 

"So this is your secret Cap," Clint said smirking 

"Yeah," I said 

"And I see I am her favorite," Tony said with a big smile on his face, 

I let out a sigh, and sat down on the couch, 

"Mr. Rogers, i'm gonna head out now," Jasmine said 

"Okay thanks again Jasmine," I said 

"Anytime," She smiled 

With that she left,  

"Why didn't you tell us?" Bucky asked concerned 

"Because I wanted to keep the Avenger world and her world separate," I said with a hand on my face 

"Well big guy looks like that isn't happening," Tony said 

"I know," I mumbled 

"We should rest until morning so we know what our next move is," Sam said 

I nodded 

"I call Brooke's room," Tony said 

"No!" Bucky yelled 

"Shhh," Nat said 

This was going to be a long night, I thought 

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