Ch. 24 "Trip"

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                                                     Brooke POV 

After Me and Tony were in the lab for so long, I was sitting on the metal table handing Tony tools, that was when daddy and Bucky walked in, 

"Hey Shorty," Bucky said 

"Hi," I said innocently 

"Hey little star why don't me and you go on a little trip just me and you what do you say?" daddy asked 

"Okay," I said excited jumping down off the table as I held my Iron man toy, 

Daddy took my tiny hand in his big hand, 

After the long drive Daddy finally stopped the car, 

Daddy unstrapped me from the car seat, and picked me up, We were at the zoo! I was beyond excited, 

                                         Steve POV 

As I carried Brooke I could see the excitement in her eyes, I have to give props to Clint on this 

I could tell Brooke was having a great time, as I held her, I didn't want to set her down and her get lost I know how she gets when she sees animals, 

Then we came to the petting zoo part, Brooke was in my lap as she hugged a baby, Lamb, while she wasn't looking I snapped a picture, I promise I would get some pictures for Bucky since it was supposed to be just me and Brooke, 

I asked him if he wanted to come and all he said was 'oh no, it's just you and Brooke day, I'm not interrupting that,'

I watched as Brooke picked up a little chick, 

"Daddy look," She said smiling 

"I see it little star," I said chuckling as I smiled at her, 

She looked so happy, I'm glad this worked I thought, 

Brooke had some feed cupped in her hands and a baby deer was eating out of her hands 

I smiled at the sight, I snapped another picture, sending it to Bucky, Brooke then picked up a little rabbit, walking over too me, 

"He's so soft daddy!" She said excitedly 

I petted the rabbit, 

"Yes he is," I said smiling 

I see she's starting to get tired rubbing her eyes, I looked at my watch, 

It is past her nap time, I thought 

I gently picked her, up, and walked out of the zoo, 

I strapped her in the carseat, and just like that she was out like a light gripping the Iron Man toy, 

I smiled 

"This is was good idea," I mumbled 

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