Ch. 30 "Babies?"

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                                                Brooke POV 

It was the next morning after hearing a very long lecture from not only Daddy but Bucky also, I learned never to use the word Damn again, 

Right now I'm watching cartoons with Clint, since I kinda crawled out of my crib and he caught me, 

On the Cartoon there was a baby which brought up my question of the day where do Babies come from? I thought as I looked at the TV, 

I wasn't really paying attention, I was thinking, 

"Brooke," I hear Daddy 

I smiled jumping off the couch holding my Iron Man plushie, 

"How did you get out?" He said picking me up, 

"I caught her making a grand escape so I thought we would watch some TV," Clint said 

"Thank you Clint," Daddy said 

"No problem," He said 

"Don't forget we got movie night tonight, see you around little sparrow," Clint said 

I waved, 

"Come on lets get you dressed my little escape artist," He said 

"Okay," I said smiling 

After getting dressed and daddy lecturing me about getting out of my bed on my own, Me, Bucky, Daddy and Sam were having breakfast, 

It was quiet which was unusual normally I'm talking a lot, but the question I've been wondering for a while is what is bugging me, 

"Squirt is everything okay?" Bucky asked, 

At this moment Sam was taking a big bite of his waffle and Daddy was taking a sip of his drink, 

I nodded, 

"I was just wondering something," I said 

"What's that?" Bucky asked, 

"Where do babies come form?" I asked

And at the exact moment that sentence left my mouth, Daddy and Sam started choking, 

Bucky Had to help both of them, 

"Why on earth would you want to know that at your age?" Sam asked, 

I shrugged, 

"I was just curious is it bad?" I asked 

"Well no but you are far to young to know," Daddy explained, 

Okay so they are not going to tell me, 

I got a devilish smirk on my face, but I know someone who will, 

"Okay thank you for breakfast Bucky!" I sang and left, 

I made a 'B' line for the lab, where Tony and Bruce were sitting around tinkering and talking, 

"I'm telling you Bruce she had a nice set of-" Tony said 

"Tony! Child," Bruce said motioning to me, 

"Oh hey bumblebee what you doing?" He asked 

I hugged my Iron man toy close to my chest as I balance on the back of my heels then to my toes going back and forth trying to look as innocent as possible, 

"Tony.. I got a question," I said innocently as I batted my eyelashes 

He chuckled 

"Alright what's your question?" He asked 

"Where do Babies come form?" I asked 

For the first time ever Tony was speechless, 

"Umm well," He began 

"Stark don't you dare!" I hear Bucky, 

"Hey I wasn't going to say nothin," Tony said holding his hands up, 

Bucky picked me up and we walked out, 

I pouted, 

"Bucky, I want to know," I said 

"Oh no your way too innocent for that," He said 

I grumbled, 

"Your just as much trouble as your father," He said shaking his head as he chuckled, 

"How about I take you out for ice cream and you forget about asking that question deal?" He said 

"Okay," I said smiling ear from ear,

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