Ch. 28 "Help"

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                                          Brooke POV 

Tony did take me for ice cream, but my teeth still hurt it was bad It hurt so bad, Tony carried me into the tower as I still was crying, 

I was hugging my Iron Man toy close to me, 

Daddy was sitting on the couch when Tony walked in with me in his arms, 

"You guys were not kidding when Barnes said she was cranky," Tony said 

Daddy walked over to us, 

"Here I'll take her," Daddy said taking me from Tony, 

I held onto daddy as I cried in pain, 

                                 Steve POV 

I took Brooke, she was crying in pain, 

"You going to be okay?" Tony said 

"Yeah, I'm going to try to get her to nap," I said taking the toy from him since he was carrying it, 

"Alright you know where to find me," He said 

I nodded, 

"Tony," I said 

He looked over his shoulder, 

"Thanks," I said 

"No problem Cap," He said with that he walked out of the room, 

I walked over to the freezer grabbing a teether, 

Then I walked to Brooks room which has a door that goes into my room as well, 

Tony made that adjustment when we first moved in, 

"Come on my little star you need to take a nap," I said 

"No!" She cried as she held onto me, 

She was actually shaking, 

"Shh, I know it hurts," I said soothing circles around her back, 

"Daddy make it stop," She cried, 

"I wish I could," I said 

I sat on the rocking chair as I held her, 

The door that leads to my room opens, and Bucky walks in, 

"Hey," I said as I rubbed her back, 

"Hey," He said 

"Sorry didn't mean to wake you," I said 

"It's alright, kid has a set of lungs on her that's for sure," He said 

"Do want me to try?" He asked 

"Not I've got her, been doing this before this," I said 

He chuckled, 

"But this time your not alone," He said sitting in the chair next to me, 

"Hey squirt it's alright I know it's painful but everything's going to be alright," Bucky said playing with Brooke's hair, 

Tears were just rolling down her cheeks, 

"Here try this," Bucky said taking the teether from me and giving it to her, 

She took it from him and stuck it in her mouth gnawing on the teether, 

"That feels better huh?" He said 

She nodded 

Her eyelids slowly starting to droop, 

I slowly stood up, laying here gently in her crib and putting the nightlight on and walking into my room with Bucky close behind me, 

"Thanks," I said 

"Anytime," He said 

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