Ch. 16 "Dinner with Avengers"

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                                              Brooke POV 

It was early morning and no one including daddy was awake so I decided to explore a bit that was how this started, I found Pietro's room, 

He was fast asleep, I found some make up in Wanda's room and decided to Make Pietro all pretty for thanksgiving, so I applied dark blue on his eyelids, some dark red powdered stuff on his cheeks and dark red lipstick on his lips, he looked so pretty, 

after that I got bored and I smelled something, I walked towards the smell, Then I see Tony pulling food out of the oven, 

"Morning squirt," Tony said 

"Morning," I said smiling 

I walked over to the island climbing on the stool, with my arms folded and chin resting on them watching him run around, 

Then Clint joined telling Tony he was going home, then Finally Bucky walked in, 

Bucky!" I jumped down running towards him, he picked me up hugging me, 

"Hey Brooke, does your dad know your out of bed yet?" He asked 

I shook my head no, after a while most of the avengers including daddy were out here getting ready for dinner, 

That was until we heard a girl like scream coming down the hall, 

"What was that?" Nat asked 

Then Pietro rushed out and everyone one seen my makeover I gave him, 

Tony almost fell over, he was holding his sides laughing, 

Lets just say everyone was in tears laughing so hard, 

"Who the hell did this!" Pietro said 

Bucky Covered my ears, because he said a bad word, 

"I don't know kid but it looks good on you," Tony said still laughing 

I walked over to him as I hugged my Iron Man toy, 

"Don't you like your makeover?" I asked 

That's when I heard a thud, I looked over and Peter fell off the couch laughing, 

I looked up at Pietro innocently, 

He cleared his throat, 

"Yes, thank you princess," He said then speeded away, 

After he left, I sat in between Daddy and Bucky watching the Lion King, as I held onto my Iron an Toy, 

"Okay Guys!" Tony yelled

Everyone got up, I was too into the movie until I'm lifted, 

"You can watch it later trouble maker," Bucky said as I was over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes 

Bucky sat me in a chair, there was a slight problem I was so small I was eye level with the table, 

"I got yeah squirt," Tony said lifting me up then putting a pile of books on the chair and now I'm tall, I thought 

Daddy put some stuff on my plate even green stuff, Yuk no way I'm eating whatever that is, I thought

Everyone was eating and laughing I ate everything except the green stuff, I went to leave, 

"Ah, Ah, Brooke," Daddy said picking me up and setting me back on the chair 

"You know the rules," Daddy said 

I looked at the food angry, and looked at daddy with a really look, 

"Don't look at me like that," He said chuckling 

Bucky chuckled also, everyone except Bucky daddy and Tony were still at the table, 

I just kept looking at it and looking at it, 

"I don't think she's buying it Steve," Tony said 

"Well she knows the rules she doesn't move until she eats everyone thing," Daddy said 

"How about she just eats two," Tony said 

I looked at daddy hopeful, 

"Three," Daddy said 

"What do you say squirt?" Tony asked 

I stuffed three of them in my mouth, I went to leave, 

"You have to swallow it Little star," Daddy said 

I did and scrunched my nose, 

I grabbed my toy and got down, 

"Come on squirt maybe you can help me," Tony said picking me up, 

"Okay," I said smiling 

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