*smut* A Waste of Water - Thomas

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Heads up! As the title suggests, I finally talked myself up to publishing these um... ~spicy~ ones. So yeah, they've got explicit sex scenes, if you don't wanna read that then please, by all means, don't.

Warning: I'm not great at writing this kind of thing because I don't have any actual experience, so this is all based off what I know from other smut fics, and from the Hub (God bless incognito mode, it was for research purposes). 

I'm also putting this note at the start of all these ~spicy~ chapters because I know some of you only came for one person, and that's fine.

"Thomas?" I call, knocking on the bathroom door, "Is that you?"

"What's up, babe?" he yells over the running water. I push open the door, glancing around to make sure nobody's watching before slipping inside. It's so steamy I can barely see my hand in front of my face, let alone my boyfriend.

I make my way to the back of the tiny room, careful not to knock anything over. I can see Thomas's shadow on the makeshift shower curtain, flickering on the material as he moves around. I slip my shoes and socks off, then pull back a corner and step into the shower with him.

The hot water pours down over me, instantly sticking my clothes to my body and laying my hair in a flat sheet down my (head, neck, back, however long your hair is). I push it out of my eyes, taking a moment to appreciate Thomas's perfect body before he opens his eyes.

"What are you doing in here?" he asks, catching sight of me standing just inches away from him. His eyes travel over the material clinging to my frame, made transparent by the water. "Did you just show up to stand there and look hot?" 

"Not... exactly." I bite my lip, stepping towards him. He reaches forwards and pulls me against his chest, then kisses me.

I run my hands over his back, loving the way the water makes his skin feel like silk. His hands have crept under the hem of my soaking wet shirt, tracing patterns on my skin and sending shivers through my whole body. He gradually eases my top up my body, breaking the kiss momentarily to pull it over my head, then reattaching our lips.

I reach behind me and undo my bra clip, letting it fall to the shower floor and revelling in the skin-to-skin contact of our bodies. Still kissing me, Thomas eases my pants down over my legs, letting them fall with a wet slap to the floor where I kick them into the corner, then does the same to my underwear.

His large hands flit over my skin, eliciting a small moan from me. I can feel the heat throbbing at my core, making me press even closer to him. His lips twitch under mine, and his tongue dances lightly over my bottom lip. Any other time, I'd open my mouth immediately, but this time I don't. Taking matters into his own hands, Thomas gives my butt a squeeze, making me gasp and giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth and explore every inch of it.

I break away, then get down on my knees and lick the tip of his already hard member experimentally, earning a gasp from him. I smile, then take as much of him as I can in my mouth, sucking and licking while my hand works what I can't fit in my mouth.

"Shuck, (Y/N)," he pants, his hand going to my head.

I gently nip the skin of his hip, making him gasp and clutch a handful of my wet hair. I lick up his length, then suck at the tip, tasting the saltiness there. I feel him twitch in my mouth, and pull away as he moans my name.

"You gotta earn it, baby." I say, smirking at him. His bright green eyes are dark with lust as he reaches out and grabs my hips, pulling me over to him again.

"What do you want?" he hisses, his fingers tracing small circles, ever moving down. I involuntarily moan when he reaches my clit, rubbing and probing. "Ah, there it is." He grins, then kneels, and, taking my thighs in his hands, lifts them over his shoulders so he can use his mouth.

"Oh god," I whisper, gripping the wall for support. I lean my head back, my eyes closing in ecstasy. I let loose a string of obscenities that would make Minho raise his eyebrows as Thomas swirls his tongue inside me, feeling the knot of tension and pleasure building in my stomach. My muscles tense, and Thomas must feel it in my thighs around his neck, because he draws back.

"You think I'm just gonna give it to you like that?" he asks, his hand moving down to touch himself. "No, no, no, (Y/N), I wanna hear you beg."

"Please, Thomas," I pant, not really caring.

"Please Thomas... what?"

"Just fuck me on this wall until I can't walk." I growl, staring him down.

"That's specific," he remarks, before his lips crash against mine again. His kisses move down my jaw, then my neck, leaving dark marks in their wake before he gets to my collar bone and chest. "Jump," he murmurs against my skin, taking hold of my thighs as I do what he says, wrapping them around his waist.

I grab the top of the wall for support, bending my head and leaving my own marks on his skin.

"Are you ready?" he asks, lining himself up at my entrance.

"Yeah," I whisper, then moan as he slides himself in. "Bloody hell," I say as he draws out, then slams back in again. He sets up a steady rhythm, pounding me against the shower wall while he moans my name mixed with curse words. "Thomas..." I pant, "Oh god, harder!"

He obliges, adjusting the angle slightly and I shout when he finds my g-spot. I can feel that glorious tight coil reforming in my stomach, ready to be unleashed.

"I'm so close," I whisper in his ear, and I can tell by the change in his thrusts that he is too. I come over him, shuddering all over as he thrusts a few more times. 

"Fuck, (Y/N), I'm gonna come-" he gasps against my neck. 

"Then pull out," I say. He does, then climaxes onto my stomach. He gently helps me down from the wall, holding me against his warm chest.

"Are you alright?" he asks after a minute, "You're shaking."

"Yeah," I say, "that was amazing."

"Come on," he answers, kissing my head lightly, "we'd better get out of here."

"I don't have clothes," I sigh, eyeing the soaked pieces of material on the floor. It was probably dumb not to take them off before I got in here.

"Wear my shirt," he says, "I'll get another one, and it's long enough to be a dress on you anyway."

"You're calling me short?"

"Compared to me, you are."

"Whatever," I say, smiling. I wash myself briefly, then turn off the taps and step out of the shower, rubbing myself dry with a towel. I pick up Thomas's shirt, which is indeed long enough to be a dress, and slip it on, then grab my wet clothes from the shower and go outside. I'll have to grab another pair of underpants in a minute, but for now I can make do.

At dinner that night, Newt elbows me and, through a mouthful of food says, "I saw Thomas walk out of the bathroom with no shirt today."

"Good for you," I reply seamlessly, trying to stop myself from blushing. I reach a hand up and double check that my hair is covering the hickeys Thomas gave me.

"I saw you walking to the homestead with his shirt on at around the same time," Minho puts in, glancing between the two of us.

"What a coincidence," Newt marvels, pretending to look thoughtful. "I wonder..."

"The shower was going for ages," Minho says, "and I swear I heard..."

"You heard us reading aloud from the Holy Bible," I interrupt loudly, "Amen."

"If you're gonna get frisky with each other," Newt says, "at least don't waste the water." 

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