Maps Room -- Minho

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*Also your perspective*

I push open the door to the maps room, dropping my pack on the ground and grabbing a sheet of paper, a ruler, a pencil and an eraser.

I slide into one of the chairs surrounding the table, and begin to map out my section for the day.

When I'm done, I grab the map from yesterday and set the two side by side, looking for any differences. There are plenty, but it's still the same goddamn pattern, repeating over the weeks.

I sigh in frustration, getting up to put the two maps away in the chest.

"Nothing new?"

I turn to see Minho leaning against the door, his arms crossed and one eyebrow raised.

"No, everything changed, and we've had a revolutionary breakthrough." I say, laying as much sarcasm as I possibly can on the short sentence.

"Sarcasm is hot on you," Minho remarks, pushing himself off the doorframe and crossing the room to me.

I blush, even though we've been together almost seven months, I still get flustered when he says things like that.

"And embarrassment is adorable," he puts his hands around my waist, lightly kissing my forehead.

"Whatever you say, boss," I laugh, looking up at him.

"Shuck, (Y/N), stop calling me that! It makes this so weird!"

"But you are technically my boss!" I protest, sliding backwards out of his grasp and jumping up to sit on the table, swinging my legs.

"I know," he says, "and that's why it's weird!"

"Well," I bite my lip, looking at him from under my lashes, "what do you want me to call you, then?"

"Call me yours and I'll be the happiest shank in the Glade," he steps towards me, tucking a piece of my hair behind one ear. His hand lingers on my cheek, then moves to under my chin, tilting my face up to his.

"Ok," I whisper, our lips barely an inch apart.

"You're so damn beautiful, (Y/N)," he breathes, and I smile slightly.

"You're not so bad yourself." 

My lips brush his, and I close my eyes, moving a hand to cap his cheek. I can feel his warm palm pressing into my lower back, and I wrap my legs around his waist, the table is the perfect height.

His kisses deepen, becoming more desperate and fierce and his hands move under my shirt, sending tingles along the bare skin of my back. I kiss him back, just as hard and push my body against his. Minho's hands are at my bra clip now, and I pull away from him quickly.

"We should lock the door," I pant, and he nods, going over and pushing it closed, the lock clicking into place. Minho and Alby are the only ones with the keys, and I highly doubt Alby will be coming in here today.

"Are you sure you wanna...?" Minho asks, looking me in the eyes.

"Yeah," I say, "I'm sure, are you?" 

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