Nightmares part III -- Minho

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*your perspective* 

Minho tosses next to me, muttering in his sleep. A small wrinkle appears on his forehead, and he scrunches up his face as if in pain.

Suddenly, he gasps, and his eyes fly open, but it's like he's looking right through me at something else.

"(Y/N)!" he shouts hoarsely, making me jump, "Watch out!"

Then his eyes focus, and he looks around, breathing heavily.

"Minho?" I ask, "Are you ok?"

"No," he says, throwing off the blanket and swinging himself out of the hammock, "no, I'm not."

"Wait," I say as he starts to walk towards the Deadheads, "Minho what...?" I trail off, he's not listening. Shrugging, I turn over. I know my boyfriend well enough to know that he just needs some time to cool off, that he'll come back.

I lie there, listening to the sounds of the other Gladers. Maybe I should go and find him, just in case.

"No, no I'm not." Those were his words, and I've never known him to admit when he isn't ok.

Groaning, I toss the blanket off, getting to my feet and heading in the direction Minho took.

I find him sitting at the bottom of a tree, his knees drawn up to his chest.

"Hey," I sink down beside him. He doesn't say anything. "Are you alright?"

"No," he answers, and I frown.

"You wanna tell me what's on your mind?"

He sighs, snapping a small twig and throwing the pieces out in front of himself.

"I had a dream," he starts, "about you."

"Something tells me I shouldn't be flattered by that," I say, and he gives a small huff of laughter.

"No, probably not. This particular dream involved you with your clothes on." It's my turn to laugh.

"Anyway," he continues, "we were running through the Maze, and there was a Griever chasing us."

I nod, seems pretty scary.

"You were in front of me," he goes on, "and you turned around because I fell over, but there was another behind you. I shouted for you to get out of the way, but you were still trying to help me, and then..." he stops, and I can guess that's the part where he woke up.

"I just never want to lose you," he whispers, still breaking the little twig.

"Listen to me Minho," I say, turning to look him in the eyes, their deep brown looking almost black in the moonlight, "I promise you, I am never going anywhere. I'm not leaving you, you'll never have to lose me. And even if I'm not right here," I pat the ground, "I'll always be here." I lay a hand gently on his chest, right over his heart. "Ok?"

"Yeah," he says, covering my hand with his much larger one, "ok."

"Come on," I stand, pulling him up with me, "we should get some proper sleep."

I lie down with him in the hammock, my chest and shoulders resting on top of him and my arms around his neck. I hook one leg over his, pressing a kiss to his jaw. He holds me close, his arms wrapped around my back and his face pressed into my hair.

"I love you," he says, his voice somewhat muffled.

"I love you too," I reply, raising my head and kissing his lips. 

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