*smut* Dessert - Minho

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Heads up! As the title suggests, I finally talked myself up to publishing these um... ~spicy~ ones. So yeah, they've got explicit sex scenes, if you don't wanna read that then please, by all means, don't.

Warning: I'm not great at writing this kind of thing because I don't have any actual experience, so this is all based off what I know from other smut fics, and from the Hub (God bless incognito mode, it was for research purposes).

I'm also putting this note at the start of all these ~spicy~ chapters because I know some of you only came for one person, and that's fine.

"Whacha doing?" I ask, leaning on the door of the map room.

"They're the same," Minho sighs in frustration, collecting the maps off the table and laying them carefully in the chests. "It's just the same pattern, repeating again."

"Well," I say, "I actually came to get you for dinner. Wanna grab some food?"

"What sort of food is it?" He smirks across the table, giving me a very obvious wink and a once-over.

"It's Frypan's," I reply, completely deadpan. It's very, very hard to keep my cool when Minho flirts like that. 

"Is there dessert?"

"Maybe," I allow myself a slight smile, biting my lip and keeping eye contact with my boyfriend. "It all really depends..."

"Ok," he grins, "I'm coming."

"Save it," I say as I turn around, making my way across the Glade to the kitchen. Minho follows after a second, slipping his hand into my back pocket and placing a kiss on my temple.

As is quite common with us, we flirt shamelessly all through dinner, making the others groan and roll their eyes on multiple occasions. We stay for a while and just chat with the others as the sun fades in the sky, night setting in over the Glade.

"I think I'm gonna head off," Minho says eventually, getting up and grabbing both our empty plates. "You coming, baby?"

"Yeah," I follow him, waving goodnight to our friends.

"Don't be too loud!" Newt calls after us, and I flip him the middle finger.

I manage to keep my cool until we get out of sight from the others, then I grab the front of Minho's shirt and pull him roughly against me, kissing him hard. His hands instantly wrap around my waist, his tongue dancing over my bottom lip. I part my lips, pulling him with me as I fumble for the door of the homestead, getting it open and swinging inside.

He pulls away, swinging me over his shoulder and climbing the stairs quickly. He kicks the door to one of the bedrooms open, then pushes it shut behind him and sits on the edge of the bed, pulling me onto his lap. I rest my hands on his shoulders, leaning down slightly to kiss him again.

He slides his hands under the hem of my shirt, sending tingles through my skin as he traces patterns over my back, sides, stomach and chest. I pull my top over my head, breaking the kiss momentarily to cast it aside, then do the same to his shirt. His chest is warm against mine, and I love the feeling of his skin under my hands without the barrier of material.

His kisses move away from my lips, down my jawline and to my neck, then along my collar bone. I gasp, feeling the heat between my legs grow.

"I've been waiting for this," he whispers against my skin, reaching around behind my back and unclipping my bra. I slip it off, but before he can touch me again, I move backwards off his lap, setting to the task of undoing his pants. I get them off, then his underpants. I glance up at his face, silently asking for permission. He nods, and I take him in my mouth – most of him, anyway.

He moans when I start sucking and licking all along his length, his hand gripping the sheets tightly. I keep going, running my tongue up the vein on the underside of his cock and tasting the saltiness of his pre-cum in my mouth.

"(Y/N)," he pants, and I feel him twitch. "I'm gonna.." He doesn't finish his sentence, spilling his seed in my mouth with a stifled curse. I swallow it all, drawing back and wiping my mouth. Looking at Minho sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes closed and a light sheen of sweat on his forehead as he comes down from his high, I realise how I've never really appreciated how beautiful he is. Hot, yeah. But "beautiful" was never a word than came to mind when I thought of him – until now.

"Come sit here," he says, getting up and patting the place on the bed where he was. "I don't believe in not repaying favours."

I do as he says, the throbbing at my core growing even more intense as he gently caresses my thigh, kissing as far up as he can get without taking off my shorts. He unbuttons them, sliding them down over my legs and onto the floor, then does the same for my underpants.

"Shuck, babe you're soaked," he grins. I don't reply, partly because his head dips between my legs and anything I wanted to say is transformed into a gasp of sudden pleasure. He gets to work quickly, licking, sucking and occasionally nibbling all places he knows make me come undone.

"Oh god," I moan, "Minho..."

"What do you want, baby?"

"I want you," I pant, "I want you."

"I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific," he says, drawing away to look me in the face.

"I wanna go all the way," I tell him, keeping eye contact. It's the first time I've said it, and I hold my breath as I wait for an answer.

"Are you sure?" he asks, his hand resting on my knee. I nod, then get up and go over to one of the cupboards. Given that these rooms are kind of our first aid station, everything to do with that is in here. And that includes condoms. I find one after a minute of searching, and wait as Minho puts it on.

"Ready when you are," I say, waiting as he spreads my legs and lines himself up. He glances at me to check it's ok, then slowly slides himself inside when I nod. There's a slight sting at first, and I think I gasp accidentally.

"You ok?" He says, freezing.

"Yeah," I smile, "I'm fine." He starts moving slowly, then faster.

"Woah," he whispers, mirroring my thoughts. It feels pretty damn good, especially when he lifts one of my legs over his shoulder, getting a new and better angle. He bends over me, moving his hand to my clitoris and rubbing small circles on it.

"Oh my god," I moan, "Minho oh my god." The coiled knot of pleasure in my stomach is building with every thrust, and then it come's undone. Bliss floods my system, making me cry out and my muscles spasm.

Minho thrusts a few more times, then reaches his own climax and pulls out, pealing off the condom and flopping down on the bed beside me. I reach down and pull the covers over us, feeling his arms wrap around me from behind, his body perfectly fitted against mine.

"That was amazing," I whisper into the space in front of me.

"You can say that again." He presses a kiss to my shoulder. "I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too, Minho."

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