Nightmares part II -- Newt

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*your perspective* 

I'm woken by a gasping sob, right next to me.

"Newt?" I mumble, turning over to face him. He's still asleep, but panting hard and twitching, a deep furrow creasing his forehead.

"(Y/N)," he gasps, "(Y/N), no!"

"Newt," I say, just a little louder, "I'm here, it's ok."

"Don't take her," he mutters, sounding desperate, "take me, but not her."

"Newt," I say again, reaching over and shaking his shoulder. He sits bolt upright, looking around wildly, sweat glistening on his forehead in the moonlight, tears shining in his eyes.

"(Y/N)," he pants, looking around.

"Newt," I say, really worried now, "I'm right here, you're ok."

His haunted gaze lands on my face, and he pulls me into a tight hug, burying his face in my neck.

"(Y/N), you're ok, you're ok." He whispers, his chest heaving against mine.

Carefully, I put my arms around him, holding him like that until he calms down.

"What's going on?" I ask, pulling back and looking him in the face.

"Nightmare," he mutters, "you..."

"Hey," I put a hand on his cheek, wiping a tear that's leaked out, "just a dream. I'm ok, you're ok, we're safe here, yeah?"

"Yeah," he looks around again, as if making sure we're still in the Glade.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask gently and he shakes his head, looking down at his hands.

"Can you sing?" he asks softly.

"I... I can try," I say doubtfully, and he lies down on his side, looking at me hopefully. I slide into his arms, his warm chest pressed against my back.

"Who cares about star signs, I'm hardwired to be with you," I begin softly, not perfect, but ok. I feel Newt relaxing against me, and continue.

"You're like a sunrise and I'm scared that I'll never get enough of you. Nobody called it a star fall, come out the blue, I'm all butterflies, I'm sky-high for you." I take a deep breath, trying to remember the chorus. It's funny how I remember songs, but not the artists' names or what they looked like. 

"When it feels like this, like a light came on, and you look at me, like I'm all you want. I got everything at my fingertips, how can I resist when it feels like this? Want me to keep going?" I ask Newt, and I feel him nod.

"Uncover secrets, treasure hunting days away. Stumbling on diamonds, I'm speechless and blown away. The little things, I'm shivering, the way you hold my hand. I'm all butterflies, I'm sky-high for you.

"When it feels like this, like a light came on, and you look at me, like I'm all you want. I got everything at my fingertips, how can I resist when it feels like this?" I'm gaining confidence, my voice steadier.

"Like you were always meant to be right here next to me, in your faded denim jeans, like we were always meant to be. To think I never knew it till now. When it feels like this, like a light came on, when you look at me like I'm all you want. I got everything at my fingertips, how can I resist? When it feels like this, like a light came on, when you look at me, say I'm all you want. I got everything at my fingertips, how can I resist when it feels like this?" My voice fades away, and I feel Newt relax even further, his breaths deep and even. I bend my head, kissing his hand where it rests across my ribs. 

If you were wondering, song's called "Feels like this" by Maisie Peters and it's currently my favourite :)

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