Connections -- Thomas

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*Thomas's perspective*

I look up, shielding my eyes from the light to see a girl crouched at the top of the box, smiling down at me. Straight away, I notice how beautiful she is, with long, slightly messy (y/h/c) hair drawn back in a braid over her shoulder, smooth (y/s/c) skin and bright (y/e/c) eyes that seem to be sharing some kind of joke with me.

She reaches a hand down, and I get up off the floor, taking it. Her hand's warm and she has a strong grip. She helps me out of the box, and I look around. Somehow, this girl's hand in mine is familiar.

"Hello, Greenie," she says – damn, she even has a nice voice, the kind that makes you believe that everything's ok – "I'm (Y/N)."

"I'm..." I trail off, I don't know what my name is. "What is this place?"

"This," she gestures around her, "is the Glade. And don't worry about your name, it'll come back later. It's the one thing they let you keep."


"I'll explain later. First, let me show you around."

*your perspective*

The Greenie asks a lot of questions. Like, a lot.

It's odd, I feel like I know him, like I've seen him before, and I keep almost grabbing his hand. I do my best to answer his questions, but eventually I can't be bothered anymore.

"Greenie," I say, turning to him, "I'm gonna need you to just be patient. You'll pick it all up eventually, but enough questions, ok?"

"Yeah," he says ruefully, "ok."

He's cute I guess, with dark brown hair cut short, a muscular build, and bright green eyes. Nice lips too, I wonder what... I realise I'm staring at him and look away quickly, continuing the tour.

*that night*

We're having a bonfire.

I sit back, watching as the Greenie challenges Gally to a fight (bad idea) which I somehow find endearing and normal, like that's the way it should be. Midway through, he stops, stands still and then shouts.

"Thomas! I remember my name, I'm Thomas!"

After that, everyone pats him on the back, his disagreement with Gally completely forgotten.

"So, Thomas," I say, looking up at him, "what do you think?"

"I don't know," he says, and I take his hand, leading him to where Newt and I usually sit.

"Thomas, huh?" Newt says, offering him a jar of our stuff.

Thomas takes a mouthful, but spits it out pretty fast.

"What is that stuff?" he asks, revolted.

"No idea," Newt says, taking the jar back.

"You know," I say, slinging an arm across Thomas's shoulders, "I like you Greenie."

*a week later*

"(Y/N)!" Thomas runs up to me, his face sweaty.

"What's up, Greenie?" I straighten, leaning on my shovel.

"I remembered something. From before the Maze."

"What?" My mind spins, that never happens. Ever. "What did you remember?"

Thomas glances around, then jerks his head towards the Deadheads. Against my better judgement, I follow him into the fringes of the trees.

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