Before the Maze part II - Minho

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I can't focus all day. No matter how many times my teachers snap me back to whatever question or problem I'm supposed to be working through, my thoughts always drift to Minho. I haven't seen my boyfriend all day, and I'm starting to get worried. He's in the same group as me for two of the lessons I have, and he hasn't shown up for either, as well as meals.

"(Y/N)," New hisses next to me, and I focus on the teacher. She's staring expectantly at me, and I realise I've missed something.

"Sorry," I say to her, "I missed that."

"The question is on the bored, (Y/N)." She sighs, "Could you pay more attention please?"

"Oh yeah, sorry." I look up at the writing behind her, sureptisiously checking the clock. Only two minutes left. The equation on the bored is simple: x^3 = 27, 2(x + y) = 10, 2(y + x) + z = 11, 2z + 2y + 3x = 15. I consider it, then start by substituting in values.

"You can leave when you have the values," the teacher tells me, and I frown. It's very easy.

"X equals three," I say, "y equals two, and z equals one." Forgive me if I'm wrong my math SUCKS and yeah, I double checked this and tried to solve it myself so I think it's ok, but I might be wrong and I'm sorry if I am 

"Yes," she smiles, "correct. You can all go."

I join the rush of kids heading out the door, still thinking about Minho. Where is he? What's he been doing all day? Is he ok?

"Are you alright?" Newt asks, coming up beside me.

"Yeah," I say absently, "you?"

"Come on, (Y/N), you'll have to get a bit better at lying if you want me to believe that. What's on your mind?"

"Have you seen Minho today?" I ask him, and he frowns.

"No, why?"

"I haven't either. He's in two of my lessons, and he missed lunch."

Newt doesn't get a chance to respond, because one of the guards steps in front of us, blocking our path.

"A1," he says, "I'd like you to come with me." I know better than to argue, so I give Newt a quick wave and follow him down a different corridor and into one of the control rooms.

I look around, catching sight of some of the more senior doctors at WICKED. One of them, a middle-aged woman wearing a white coat, smiles at me and gestures for me to take a seat before one of the screens. I do so, then gasp as I see what's displayed on it. It's Minho, sweating and shaking, strapped to a chair in a room. His normally glowing skin is pale and grey looking, and his hair is sticking to his forehead.

"What...?" I start, getting up to leave.

"(Y/N)," she says, "it's important that you see this. I'm sorry we've had to take these measures, but we're aware of your growing disobedience and refusal to follow rules put in place for your safety. I hope this serves as a warning."

"What do you mean?" I say, my eyes flicking between her and the feed of Minho on the monitor. "What are you doing to him?"

She doesn't say anything, just looks regretfully at the screen. I turn back to it, not really seeing many other options. Minho's head jerks up, and he twitches. In the corner of the screen, something oozing and grey is leaking towards him. A metal claw extends from the mass of grey jelly, and though there's no sound in the video feed I can see that Minho is panting. More grey jelly moves towards him, and he tries to jump backwards in the chair. It must be bolted to the floor, because it doesn't even budge as he strains against his bonds, his eyes wide with terror.

"Stop it!" I shout, the sight of my brave, cocky Minho reduced to a sweating, terrified mess too much to bear.

"Have you learned your lesson?" the doctor asks, and I nod frantically. My eyes are still glued to Minho, and now I can see the whole awful monster crawling up the side of his chair. It's a mass of greyish flesh, with random metal spikes and tools poking out of it. Like somebody just dumped a whole bunch of appliances into blubber and gave it life. Minho is screaming, jerking desperately away from the thing's spinning saw blades and clicking shears.

"Shut it down," the doctor says, and one of the other scientists presses a button on the control panel. The creature freezes, then slumps to the floor. Minho stares at it, frozen in place. I wonder if this is the first time, or if he's been put through this before.

"What did you do to him?" I whisper, my voice shaking.

"Nothing," the woman tells me, "the others showed us they were smart enough to listen before anything got out of hand."

"The others?"

"Yes," she answers, but doesn't elaborate. I feel a sudden surge of hatred for these people. How could they torture Minho multiple times just to teach us a lesson? It's so screwed up I think I might puke.

"When can I see him?" I ask, taking care to control my tone.

"We'll be showing A5, then he's free to go."

"No," I shake my head. "You can't put him through that again. If you really need to make your point, just show Newt one of the tapes."

"We could," she seems to consider the suggestion for a minute, then shakes her head. "It's just more believable when it's real. You can go."

"No," I say, then louder. A guard drags me, still screaming at them from the room, and I'm dumped unceremoniously into my room. I beat at the door, yelling profanities and threats at nobody. I sink down, curled in a ball against the wall.

I don't know how long I sit there, but eventually a guard comes to escort me to dinner. Thomas, Alby, Newt, Teresa and Chuck are all completely silent, and there's still no Minho. I stare at my plate, pushing food around with my fork but not actually eating anything. I feel sick.

After the meal is done, I ask one of the guards if I can see Minho. He speaks briefly into a walky-talky, then nods. I follow him to the room I assume is Minho's, shutting the door behind me and thanking him.

Minho is sitting on the edge of his bed, still looking like shit. He glances up momentarily when I enter, but then goes back to staring at the floor.

I don't say anything as I cross the room and kneel on the edge of his bed, wrapping my arms around him and running my hands over his hair. He rests his head on my chest as I rub circles on his back, bending my head slightly to press my lips against his temple. We stay that way for a long time, until his shallow breathing evens out and he puts his arms around my waist.

"I know this is a dumb question," I murmur, "but are you alright?"

"No," he whispers into my shirt.

"Do you want me to stay?"


"Ok," I pull back, kissing his head again before making my way to the door. "Hey," I say to the guard outside, "is it ok if I stay with him for the night?"

"I don't think..." he begins, but I cut him off.

"Come on," I plead, "it's the least you guys can do. And it's not like we're gonna do anything, I just want to be there for him. Can you at least talk to someone?"

"Ok." he says, then quickly confers with someone on his walky-talky. "She says they're not going to do anything," he tells the person, "and that she just wants to be there with him after today."

There's a brief silence, then: "Ok, but just for tonight. And I want someone to check in on them regularly."

"Thankyou so much," I breathe, a smile breaking out on my face. I slip back inside, taking off my shoes and nodding to Minho. He sighs, the smallest hint of a smile brightening his features as he does the same, shuffling over on the bed to make room for me. I lie down, pressing my body against his and resting my head on his chest. He holds me close, and I drape an arm across his torso then place a kiss on his cheek. He turns his head, kissing my lips softly.

"I love you," I whisper. "It's going to be ok."

"I know," he whispers back, shifting so he can hold me even closer. 

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