Chapter nine

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Ivy's Pov
The small dragon I had found still refused to let Lorant near her, so I was the one who watched over her. Mostly she slept, as I had done for the first weeks and months after hatching, but when she was awake, she would sit there, her eyes blank and dull. I wanted to help her but I wasn't sure how. As she woke I carried a piece of Shia fruit over to her.
"Here, try this, it's really good". I put the fruit in front of her, and made sure she ate it
"It's actually good?" She answered, confused, "where did you get it?"
"From the kymari, they have a lot of fruit that I've never had before". I answered, still determined to convince her that they weren't all bad.
"Will you let Lorant be in the room while you're in it? It will give you more freedom if you don't attack or flame anyone". I asked, hopeful
"I, I don't know, I'll try, for that"she hesitantly answered, before curling up again. I smiled down at her, happy that she was slowly getting used to Lorant, before I flew out to get more Shia fruit for when Stella woke up.

"Kai? You there"
"Really, you just had to wake me up Ivy. It's so early!" He grumbled "why'd you wake me up anyway?"
"I might be able to come back to the park today, and I have a new friend. Her name is Stella, and she's similar to me", I chuckled at his annoyance, but I knew he would forget about it soon. Lorant clipped the harness back onto me, before approaching Stella
"It'll be okay, just let him put the harness on Stella"
"I'm not sure I'll be able to", she told me, "I'll try though." She shivered as Lorant touched her scales but let him fasten the harness and attach the leash, before she flew up to his other shoulder. She clung on, her claws not piercing the thick leather shoulder pads Lorant wore, as he walked slowly out the door.
"Kai!" I called as we got closer to the park, hoping he was awake, "we'll be at the park soon, are the hatchlings ok?"
"Y-yeah, but there's a-a Sicora nearby"
"Kai? KAI!" I called, pulling the leash out of Lorant's hand and speeding towards the nest. That's when I saw him, Kai, on the ground, one wing broken beneath him. I heard the sicora hiss from behind me. I turned, and let loose all the fire I had, but it wasn't enough. I let out a long, drawn out, roar of anger, hoping that the dragonets would hear, before I crept closer, my tail rattling, the spines clicking against each other in a bone chilling harmony. I let out a strange whistling cry, and leapt, landing on its back and digging in my claws. I looked up, seeing that lilac had called other dragonets, before she was hit by the sicora's tail. I let out another screech as we let out a barrage of fireballs, only stopping once it was dead. I flew over to Lilac, who's breathing was stuttering and slow, before looking back at Kai, who only had a broken wing. As Lorant ran into the clearing, Stella on his shoulder, I growled in distress, before flying over to check the hatchlings. I picked them up carefully, not wanting to hurt them, and brought them over to Lilac.
"Lilac please, Kala and Leo are here, they need you",I pleaded with her to wake up as Lorant called someone with his communicator. I heard a transporter, not too far away, but I didn't care. As the Kymari ran over, a medical kit in her hands, I whined, hoping they would help Lilac.
"She should make it, but only if we get her in soon. One of her lungs is most likely punctured and she has a few broken bones. The other one will need to come in as well, if you can get him", she told Lorant. I picked up the hatchlings and followed, before telling them to hold on to my back. As Lorant and the vet climbed into the transporter, Stella still on his shoulder, I followed, needing to know if Lilac would be alright. When we arrived, she was carried into a strange room while Kai was taken to another.
"Huh, what's that Ivy?" Lorant asked, noticing the two small dragonets
"Kai and Lilacs hatchlings. I couldn't leave them"
"That's ok. We will make sure theyre reunited with their parents", he half whispered, before I turned back to watching the doors

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