Chapter three

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Time skip- 3 weeks- Ivys POV
I woke up as Lorant was putting me gently into a strange soft cage. I growled softly but stayed still as he picked the carrier up and took me outside, into a transport. We soon arrived at the destination, which once again turned out to be the vets. She put a strange device against my wing, causing the cast to fall off. I was pissed, if it had been that easy why hadn't I been able to do it. I growled quietly as she unwrapped the bandage but allowed her to do it.
"She's much bigger than any of the fire lizards?" I heard the lady remark, "can she breath fire like them as well?"
"Not as far as I know", Lorant replied, "but she is very different from them in ways even I don't understand".
I knew exactly what was so different between me and the dragonets. I was a mutation, the only one of my kind, while there was hundreds of them. I was the size of a small horse while they were the size of a cat. They could actually fight, I could barely hold my own against one of them. As I was placed back into the carrier and it was lifted I curled up sadly, hoping I would be released again someday soon.

Third person POV
The dragon curled up, looking sad in its cage as soon as it was placed back in there. It was healing on the outside but was still refusing to accept food out of the kymaris hands. It was slowly losing weight and growing listless and still. It hardly moved, only drinking water when it needed to, never if any supplements had been added. It had not eaten for twelve days. As Lorant picked it up, putting the custom made harness on, he placed it on his shoulder. The dragon barely stirred, too lethargic to even care. Only as the kymari slowly and carefully opened the door and walked out, arriving at the dragonets park soon after, did it stir.
Ivys POV
I scented them. The dragonets who had feared me and the few who hadn't. I lifted my head, fear showing in my eyes and tried to fly, only to be restrained by something pulling on my back. I strained to get the kymari to release the leash and allow me to fly away from them but he would not comply. Suddenly, I scented it. The horrible creature who had injured me. I growled, my head pointing in a direction near a nest. I pulled the leash hard enough that Lorant let go before darting into the trees. As I got closer, I heard the dragonet hatchlings squeals of terror and the sicora's hissing. I dropped down infront of the hatchlings then roared, calling for the dragonets to help. I saw a small purple dragonet stay still for a second before darting down to attack. As more dragonets appeared Lorant finally arrived. I saw the hatchlings frantic parents join the attack as I leapt forward onto the sicora. As my claws, poison slowly leaking from the tips, punctured it's skin, the sicora lunged towards the hatchlings. I leapt off it's hideous back to block it's way as Lorant pulled out his energy weapon and fired at the beast, before I spun around to check the hatchlings. The two of them chirped at me before their parents flew down to check on them.
"Who are you!", I heard through the mindlink, as I thought of a reply, I became aware of the pains from the few burns on my back.
"My name is Ivy, I came from . . . same lab . . . original dragonets", was my reply, the only thing I managed before passing out.

This is literally the longest chapter I've written and it's still so short! I hope you enjoyed some random depression and drama, goodbye until the next chapter.

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