Chapter seven

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Ivy's POV
"IVY?" I heard through the mindlink as I woke. My wings hurt, although one more than the other, and the scratches I had sustained were mostly healed.
"Ivy?", damn, it was Lorant, I probably shouldn't have sent a mind screech that loud. I pressed my back against the wall of the cage as he got closer, hoping he would've forgotten about the mindlink, but it seemed he hadn't. "Was it you who woke me up?" He asked, looking at me. As I dropped my head, sending a quiet yes back he opened the cage, before walking out into the garden with me. Noticing something shiny on the ground I flew over, while he sat down, his head in his hands. I picked at the thing, which was sitting half buried in the dirt, before it poked me. I growled, becoming woozy as I felt the pain of my wing fading, along with everything else. The last thing that registered was Lorant running over and picking both me and the dart up.

Unknown POV
Another one like me? Was it really possible? She had looked injured and only half conscious, so she probably wouldn't remember me, despite the fact I was so similar to her. I took off in the direction that the Male Kymari had carried her, before landing in a tree next to a garden entrenched with her scent. As I watched, she was brought outside by the Kymari before she found something and collapsed, being taken back inside straight after. As I watched, she lifted her head a final time in my direction, gazing straight into my eyes. Had she actually seen me? Would she remember me? As I flew behind the house, stopping a short distance away I calmed down, she'd been half asleep and would probably think I was just a dream. Calmed by those thoughts I curled up in a bush a dropped into sleep.

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