Chapter four

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Ivys POV
As I slowly lifted my head, the burns on my back no longer hurting I saw the bowl of fruit in front of me. It had all my favourites, plus a few strange ones, most likely placed there by the kymari male I was stuck with. As I stretched my wings, I became aware of the new bandage around my chest. Suddenly, a voice in my head whispered "hello". I looked around before realising it was a mindlink. As I tentatively responded "who are you" the voice on the other end replied "Kai, I am the father of those hatchlings you saved yesterday. I'm surprised I was able to mindlink you, how did you know about the sicora?"
"I was able to scent it, and hear the hatchlings fear cries, I have fought them before which is why I was with the Kymari", I replied slowly. "I was a prisoner in the lab with the original dragonets, but I turned out different." As I closed the mindlink and turned to the food, sniffing it to discern if the strange fruits were good, I realised that one was the sunburst berries that the dragonets loved so much while the other was something different, but better. As I ate I thought of the park and what had happened. As soon as I finished i began studying the door. Noticing that the latch looked simple enough to be undone from the inside I slid the end of my tail through the small gap before shaking it to harden the spines, quickly sticking them in the lock. As they expanded, becoming more dangerous, the lock shattered, small shards going everywhere, a few even pinging off of my scales. I looked for a good perch, spotting one above the opening to the rest of the house, before swooping silently over and wrapping my tail around it. As I heard Lorant stir, before getting out of his bed, I chuckled, thinking of how surprised he would be.

As he walked through the doorway, he stopped to gape at my empty enclosure, before noticing the shattered lock, as he took his first step forwards I swung down to hang upside down from the perch, before screeching. He swung around like he was on wheels, before seeing me hanging upside down from the perch. As he reached up to grab me I flew to the roof, playing hard to get and watching his frustration. Finally, after seeing the strange fruit were gone from my bowl he pulled out a small packet of something from his pocket. "Come get the Shia fruit", he called, knowing that I probably wouldn't be able to resist, before I confirmed he was right. I swooped down and crouched on his arm before reaching for the fruit while chittering rose myself. As he handed it to me, carefully knowing how sharp my claws were, he smiled, I was finally eating.;

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