Chapter twelve

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Kai growled as he scented it, Lilac too tired to help. I flicked the door closed, not wanting them to get hurt, before I leapt out of the room.
"LORANT! SICORAAAAAAA!" I screeched as it followed me, not wanting to lead it towards the currently defenceless Kymari. The thing growled as I led it back outside, straight through the door. It growled as I flew up towards the netting before dropping down and closing the door. I was nearly bitten before it hissed, alerting me, and I was able to fly back upwards. I could faintly hear Lorant stirring inside, and I risked calling out through the mindlink again
I growled as it crawled up the inside of the netting and darted downwards, wishing I was faster. I looked back to see Lorant at the door with some sort of throwable weapon aimed at the Sicora
"Ivy! Get out of there!" I looked back, confused, not seeing the weapon hit the Sicora in a flashbang before I dropped down to the ground.

My ear tufts hurt. All I could hear was an annoying ringing. I growled faintly, before scratching at my ear as Lorant ran outside, checking the Sicora was dead before heading over towards me.
"What was that? And why are my ears ringing?" I growled, annoyed, before wobbling to my paws. "Sorry Ivy, I reacted before you had gotten out of the way." He answered, the words strangely muted. I bounded back inside to check the others, leaving Lorant to dispose of the thing.
"Are you guys ok? It nearly got you. I'm sorry"
"Don't be Ivy, we wouldn't of been able to fight it off and you helped us." Kai replied, nuzzling Lilac gently. I curled back up on my perch as Lorant came back inside, wondering why I hadn't stayed awake, why I hadn't stopped it earlier
"One of the vents on the outside was almost completely wrecked ,I'll need to get stronger covers for them" Lorant wandered off to think before calling out one last thing
"We're going to be having guests over tomorrow!"
I dropped my ears, feeling my strong dislike for strangers coming back before I drifted off into a fitful sleep.

"Subject 37 appears to be malformed. She was selected from the artistic group and shell completed forming, hmm, 20th of the third. Egg casing was larger than usual and subject is a muddy purple. Size is larger than average. Weight is five kilograms, height is twenty seven centimetres. Wingspan is larger than average for her body size and weight."
I snarled and slashed my claws down the arm of the man holding me, a smug look on my face
"Subject shows signs of smugness after a successful attack. Her intelligence will need to monitored." I growled and dropped free before flying up to the window and perching upside down. I went to leap off only to find that one paw was caught in the netting. I shrieked in pain as I dangled from a single forepaw, my wings flapping in my frenzy. I didn't see the assistant dart me before picking me up and putting me into the cage again.
"On second thoughts, if it shows any signs of aggression in the next two weeks it will be terminated"

I woke slowly, my heart fluttering in fear, and growled, before swooping down to land on the couch. I looked over and the others were still sleeping. I grinned before heading to the kitchen and grabbing a Shia fruit, biting through the thick skin before bringing it back and putting it in the enclosure for them to enjoy when they woke

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