Chapter one

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I flew off, the dragonets were getting too close for comfort and i didn't want to scare anyone else. Then I saw it. A sicora. And it was stalking towards a kymari child. I leapt into the air flying and landing infront of the child. The sicora hissed and I growled, wrapping my tail around the child and growling at the sicora. I spread my wings, making myself look larger in the hopes of scaring it off but it didn't work. The young kymari child yelled to an adult who was just walking into the park, distracting me. That was when the sicora struck. One minute I was holding onto the child, the next I'd curled around her as I was knocked towards a tree. I shrieked in pain as I felt my wing and a few of my ribs break but the adult kymari was there. They pulled out an energy weapon and as I faded into blackness I knew the child would be safe.

Unknown kymari POV
I ran towards the strange creature. I had just fired off a large blast towards the sicora and it was dead but I needed to check the child. As I got closer I could hear a wet sound whenever the creature breathed. While the child was unharmed the creature was not, judging from the sound accompanying it's breathing, at least one of its lungs was punctured.

Ivys POV
As I struggled to stay conscious the strange kymari picked up the child. I growled faintly, but even making that noise hurt. I watched as the kymari pulled out a communication device and crouched over me. He picked me up and carried me over to a strange transport, before asking the child if they were ok. I tried to screech but the pain was too much and I passed out.

3rd person POV
The creature was about the size of a small horse, or would've been when they existed. It had dark brownish purple scales with a yellow underbelly. It had several broken ribs as well as a punctured lung and broken wing, as well as multiple sicora bites and scratches from their claws. It seemed to be immune to the venom as it had suffered no ill effects. Currently it was on a breathing device as it could not do it on it's own. The kymari who found it, Lorant, had showed interest in seeing if it would bond to him, as fire lizards bonded to their handlers.

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