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Kamala's POV

The walk to the kitchen was far from calm. When I told Alister that I would head down for his food, I completely forgot about what happened the last time I set my foot inside the kitchen. It wasn't my fault. In that moment, I needed to get out of the conference room. The memory itself was humiliating enough!

Was that supposed to be him teasing me? Oh god. I can't even imagine what that must have looked like to the people around me. I was trying my best to suppress a moan which must have made my face expression look-

Shit, I don't even want to picture it.

My thought encircled my mind and the next thing I knew, I was in front of the main kitchen doors. Serving maids were slowly leaving and entering, not even sparing a glance at anyone who would walk through.

I knew what would happen if I started panicking so I hopelessly tried to contain any signs of an upcoming early panic attack. It didn't have much of an effect but even the thought of it was enough to distract me and somehow get my thought in order.

The last time I was in that place, I was told never to come back unless I had a clear death wish.

And Warwick.

After the... incident, I vowed to never let myself get near that man again and here I was, casually walking right back into his trap. I still had no idea what Alister must have done to him but I knew it couldn't have been good.

Setting the dark thoughts aside, I took one last breath before barging in sooner than I had a chance to rethink my decisions.

But it was too late now. I was already inside.

My mission was clear. I would quickly head over to the serving table, grab Alister's breakfast, and then sprint the fuck out of there.

Easy? No. It was not.

It was just my luck that every housemaid picked this exact time to bring food back up to their masters. The kitchen was at its fullest and it was impossible to not get noticed. After the scene that happened before, there was no way anyone would not recognize me.

I slowly scattered behind any tall body that stood in my way. Slowly following behind them, I changed my shield every time they would head towards a different direction. I now stood only a few meters away from Alister's meal and my brain was already celebrating. I took a few steps forward and almost fell on the ground praying as soon as I touches the tray holding Alister's food. I still had to plan my escape route but right now, I had made it! I couldn't believe it. It was like a mir-

"Kamala, is that you?"

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Thankfully, I immediately deducted the friendly voice belonged to Kedrick. We haven spoken in quite a while. Ever since he helped get me out of the kitchen, there wasn't much of an opportunity to catch up.

"K-Kedrick?" I asked hesitantly to make sure that it really was him behind my back. With tension still very visible on my face, I turned around to face him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked curiously, probably thinking the same thing I was.

"I'm h-here to get the Don his breakfast." I explained. My eyes were still darting around my surrounding for any visible sign of Warwick.

"Oh! Of course. You're not usually the person coming here to pick it up for him." Kedrick pushed as if he was trying to see if that was really why I was here.

"H-he usually goes to the dining room to eat." I explained while still on the lookout.

Kedrick looked at me suspiciously, but decided to let it go.
"Are you looking for someone?" He asked, probably noticing my wondering eyes.
"Uhm.. I-I just w-wanted to see if W-Warwick was here?"

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