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It had been a week.

For a whole week, I was the private maid to none other than Alister Mancini.

Maybe if I ever get out of here I can publish a book about Alister. I'd call it "The Maid's Guide to the Infamous Alister Mancini."
I guarantee it would be a bestseller. Although, I would probably get killed before I can even hit the publish button.

The entire week consisted of me basically spending most of my time in Alister's room. I couldn't complain since I absolutely adored every little aspect of the place. I polished very single detail before carefully placing it to where it belongs despite the fact that Alister would probably not notice. He didn't spend much time in his room. The only time he would return is after dinner when I would give him the massage.

In fact, I would argue I spent more time in there than he does. It was getting harder and harder to work when there was nothing to clean. I would often find myself staring at the dark wall so the time would pass by quicker. I would think about my situation and my not so bright looking future. I would try and concentrate on those thoughts because if I had free time my mind would automatically make my thoughts go to Sarah. And I'm not ready to cope with that.

However, I preferred it that way. Whenever Alister was around, my panic started to swell in my throat and the tension was apparent between us. I still got nervous everytime I had performed the massage but overtime it got less nerve wrecking.

Outside of the room nothing much has changed other than some snarky and envious comments from the maids in my quarters.
Even though a private maid gets no extra treatment, she is still considered a higher power in the maid's eyes, especially to the ones that work in the kitchen.

All in all, life has been better. Even though I still had to keep an eye on my back, I felt safer now.

I haven't heard from Cullen. I spent the entire week praying I would never have to see him again. He was a violent man, no doubt and I bet he wouldn't be too happy with me just abandoning my position.
But it was the Don who asked me, surely he would understand.

It was the morning and as per usual, the room looked untouched. The only detail that seemed out of place was the bed and the office desk.
Alister was not here as expected, which was comforting in a way. Although Alister didn't seem to mind me being in the room at the same time as him, I didn't want to risk anything.

The hour passed quickly. It took around half an hour to clean out the desk and make the bed but much to my disappointment, there was nothing else to do.
Since I was a maid, sitting down on the posetions of the Don could get me killed, so I found the nearest corner and sat down there as I looked for any place that I would be able to clean.

Somehow my thoughts went to Sarah. I didn't think about her that often anymore. I was a horrible friend.
I don't even know how she died. I found her in the quarters which meant this couldn't have been a lord. If it were, they wouldn't care enough to follow them into the room since they could just kill them on the spot without any consequences.
I had thought about her doing it herself. It's not like we didn't think about it. It's all we could think about but that was just a way to know that there was an out. Most of us didn't actually considered it. Even if she was suicidal, it still wouldn't explain how she got the gun.

My thoughts got interrupted by the slam of the door. I didn't realize at first. That was until a voice interrupted my memories.

"What are you doing?"

I quickly snapped back into reality and looked up to find Alister. He looked his usual grumpy self but didn't appear to be in a bad mood.

"Aren't you supposed to be cleaning?"

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