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3rd person's POV

Cullen never had much to brag about.

Ever since he was a child, he knew he would never be the hero that he so desperately tried to be.

He wasn't always like this. At least, that's what he used to tell himself.

It wasn't like he had some tragic, horrible childhood where his father would beat up his mother or vice-versa to blame his actions on. In fact, his childhood was as good as it gets. He had the huge family house, the generous inheritance and the more than supporting family all at his disposal. His life could have easily been labeled as perfect.

He graduated from a good law school, married the first woman who took an interest in him and was on his way to sail through a normal and generic reality.

But then came the mafia.

How could he ever forget the vengeful look on the young Don's face the first time he and his family raided the country. It was the first time in his life that he had ever experienced a sense of thrill. While everyone was busy cursing the mafia who they now had to obey on every word, all he felt was envy.

He wanted to be be there. He wanted to stand with them and live in that humongous-looking palace that they resided in.

From there on out, he knew that he had to join them.

And three years later, he did.

Abaddon Mancini was never a healthy man. Some say that it was his mental state that allowed him to run his mafia the way he did, but most knew that the turpitude ran through his veins.

And yet, it was his very own insanity that allowed Cullen into the mafia. He was given the position of a lord and was in charge of the prisoners. It was a pretty good position. He was in charge of the low-ranked guards and he even got a room that was for for a king in the estate. It was like he had always wanted.

But Cullen wanted more. He had gotten a taste of power and now he intended to soak in it. The feeling of control and potency was very addicting and he was slowly drowning himself in his ambition. He had even managed to create a somewhat bond between him and Abaddon. He knew that if he played his cards right with him, he would achieve everything he ever craved for.

But all that hope came crashing down the second Abaddon's 17 year old son took over 10 years later.

If people thought Abaddon was cruel, then they were not prepared for Alister. In just a few months under his rule, he had managed to expand his territory three times the size it was before and singlehandedly make his mafia the most feared and powerful in the world. His methods may have been the furthest thing from peaceful,  but his brutal and inhuman ways managed to make him the most successful man in the crime world.

When Cullen first heard about Alister, he was thrilled. He knew he would never be able to top Alister but with his power and influence, he knew being in Alister's good graces were the best place to be. Unfortunately for Cullen, Alister found him profoundly useless. Since he carried the need to punish and kill his important prisoners himself, Cullen was stripped of any sense of control he had and his only job was assigning a small portion of guards to an even smaller portion of insignificant crimes that Alister didn't want to bother himself with. The fact that he used to be friends with Alister's dad also proved to be disadvantageous, especially after that stunt he pulled with Alister's mother.

It was then that Cullen had hit rock bottom. The power that drove him forward was not stepping on its breaks, reminding Cullen that Alister would never see him as anything more than the father of that girl he sometimes fucked.

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