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"Has she regained her consciousness after a minute?"

"Obviously not. That's why I called you here." Alister growled back at the doctor's comment.

The doctor nervously looked at the unconscious girl laying in the barely affordable silk bed. He had never met the Don personally before, but like everyone else in the world he had heard plenty of the stories.
Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think he would get to see him up close. Not that he wanted to.
Even though he worked for the estate,Alister never needed a doctor before.

In fact, as soon as he got the call, he was already quivering was in fear. Alister was a cold blooded killer and an trained on at that. If someone had managed to get even a scratch on him, it was not good news.

But instead of seeing Alister's bloody form aching with agony as he expected to , an unconscious girl was laying in one of his beds.

"Her breathing seems to be normal and I see no prior damages caused by the fainting." The doctor answered anxiously, hoping he didn't sound too unprofessional or frightened at the presence of the most feared man in the world.

Even though no injuries occurred because of the fainting, the doctor instantly spotted the severe bruises on the girl's almost starved body.

His thoughts immediately went to abuse and he couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. The most obvious answer to the scars would be Alister, but he knew better than to question him. He just hoped the girl didn't pass out from the pain.

"Sir?" He asked nervously while Alister gently placed a stray strand of the girl's hair behind her ear.
"W-what exactly caused her to faint?"

"Panic attack."He answered candidly never once taking his eyes off of Kamala.

" Fainting from panic attacks is very unlikely and only appears in the worst conditions. Are you s-sure it was a panic attack?" The doctor replied quietly, scared to think that he would be the one question the Don.

"Isn't it your job to know that?" Alister's menacing tone took over the conversation and the doctor visibly gulped.
"R-right sir. I apologize. W-we can run some tests to see if any internal damage was caused. If it i-is a p-panic attack, we can organize a counseling session if that is what you w-want. T-that way we can know if we have to p-put her on some medication."

Alister lightly nodded.
"When will she wake up?"

"In a few minutes, I presume."

"What was so important?" Alister's threatening voice made every man in the room fearfully snap their gaze in his direction.
Alister's power spoke for itself as the danger wreaked from his very presence.

Everyone in the meeting room respectfully lowered their heads. They wouldn't want to test Alister on a normal day, much less this one where he looked like he would most happily snap all their necks.

And Alister would happily do that. He wanted to stay by Kamala's side until she woke up but his wishes were interrupted by Drakul calling and claiming an urgent matter was on their hands.
Furiously, he left the room but not before threatening the poor doctor from keeping her from harm and leaving him there, making him wonder how exactly he got stuck playing the nanny to an unknown girl who seemed to be more than important to the man who supposedly didn't care about anyone.

"We're so sorry to bother you boss, but we have gotten intel that the Siberian mafia was planning an attack." Drakul explained.

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