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The men dragged me across the hall, ignoring the forceful rasps escaping my throat as I struggled to fill my lungs. Each of the two guards firmy held my upper arm, their rugged palms enclosing the bone.

I could see the razor sharp violet blemishes cutting through the skin under their touch but I couldn't feel any of it.
I couldn't breath.

Dark creases filled my vision, enveloping me in the comfort of a coma-like plight, but my mind refused to cooperate. Some stupid part of me still wanted to survive.
That part was trouble.

My cheeks held unwashed tears that were overrun by new ones burned into the crests of my eyes, but I couldn't manage a moan. I had to breathe.

I wasn't a person, I couldn't feel or think. I was a toy. The one mother would smuggle into my room and we hid under my bed.
It wasn't me anymore, just a fucking toy.

I was elsewhere. A ghost, or entity staring down at her and those men. Barely there.
I could breath again.

"Jesus. This bitch is annoying." One of them muttered under his breath, pulling me back from my trance.
"Shut up Keres." The older of the two replied, face disdain from any emotion.
Just another day in the field.

The men guided me through the hallway.
A dark, familiar room caught my eye as they swerved my limp body in its direction.
No. Im not going back.

A gust of wind dragged me back in control, my body squeezing out its last lump of strength as I threw myself backwards. My scalp made contact against the concrete sending a chilling warmth through my scalp.
My skin slipped through their palms until I was unstrapped and free to run.

But I didn't. I didn't do anything. I couldn't move. All I knew was I couldn't go back to that room. Not willingly.

So I just sat there, dumbly awaiting the punishment for my defiance.

I felt a foot kick me in the stomach. Fear filled my body and I let out a frightened yell.
I felt another kick in the head and I couldn't help but let out the scream stuck in my mouth.

"Stop it! Keres! She tripped." The nicer looking guard lectured and pushed the other one out of my way.
The man whose name was Keres scowled and pushed my savior back before forcibly grabbing my arm before I even had a chance to run.

"Oh now you're talking. I didn't see you being this merciful in the kitchen and anyway it  doesn't matter what I do, she will get fucked up either way." He screeched at the other guard, making his voice purposely loud so I would hear.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I struggled to get out of their strong arms. The left side of my upper arm felt as if someone was tearing my skin from Keres's painfully tight hold, while my right arm was more leisurely held due yet still featured a stiff grip.

Upon realizing, struggling would only hurt more, I gave up.
It's a painful process, giving up. Knowing you could have done so much more yet knowing it won't make a difference. That's what hurt the most. For a second, I forgot about the awful fate that was in store for me.

But only for a second.
I shut my eyes and silently cried into my choked up throat. I was hoping the way to the dungeons wouldn't take long and the punishment wouldn't take long either. Maybe I could even pass out from the pain and go out peacefully. My thoughts were however interrupted by a loud clearing of throat.

The guards stopped abruptly and I could feel their nervousness rise from the way the grip on my arm hardened but I kept my eyes shut.
"Sir." That man, Keres's voice trembled as he addressed his superior.

"Tell me. Do you two think you are above my orders?" The voice on the other side of the hallway asked dangerously.
As soon as the sound echoed in my ears I knew exactly who the voice belonged to.
I hesitantly opened my eyes and much to my expectance, I was correct. The Don.

The men looked at each other frightened and shocked that their leader was even talking to them. They stared at him with wide eyes and quickly got out a quick,
"Of course not sir!"

"Did I not request every man downstairs for a meeting?" Alister's voice was now booked with anger and a seemingly simple sentence sounded like a death wish from his mouth.

"I-Im so so-" One do the guards began but were cut off by a raging growl.

"And instead of listening to me you spending your time here on a fucking maid?"

Keres immediately let go off my arm and dropped his head down with respect and dominance to his leader.
"I'm s-so sorry sir! That chef he- I'm s-so sorry.!" He begged and was about to get down on his knees when Alister stopped him.

"Get up. Do you think this is how I expect people in my mafia to act. To beg? ," His tone stayed calm yet held malicious intent." There's only one place where that would be fun. The warehouse."

Keres whimpered and this time got on his knees and pleaded with all he had for his life.

"You're not even worth my bullets. The worst punishment for you is to live out the rest of your pathetic life knowing that you are just a pitiful coward that will never have anything or anyone who would care about him to live for. Somebody I didn't even care enough about to kill." Alister growled out before adding, "You have a minute. If I see you here again, I will rip your head out myself."

With that Keres ran out with panic. The other who's name was said to be Zhen looked bowed his head down in respect but his worrisome eyes were clearly seen.

"What the fuck do you think you're waiting for? Go down!" Alister yelled.

His voice held such intensity, it made me automatically flinch. Zhen quickly absorbed his words before rushing down to the elevator leaving me and Alister alone in the long hall.

Alister stepped up to me and I instantly backed away.
He looked at me with an intimidating gaze that screamed that he knew he was greater than me.

My head was bowed down and staring at the floor. I didn't dare look up. Those two men looked like they were the most fearless men in the world and he basically shot them off their high horse with just a few words. My heart rate was speeding up and I was praying he would leave and just send another man to punish me. Anything was better than being stuck here with him.

"Get back to work." He said and followed the man that went before him in a calm manner.

My heart stopped as I preceded his words.

...Did he just get me out of trouble?

Unintentionally, of course. Yet, thanks to him I could live another day. Hopefully without seeing his face again.
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