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The crimson red hallway finally started to appear smaller as I was crouched in the corner hugging my knees.
I didn't know how much time passed since the time he told me to go back to work but if there was one thing I absolutely detested doing at the time, it was returning to Warwick's sight.

Gaining my courage, I eventually stood up and carefully checked the surrounding to make sure I was alone. One gaze at me and they would surely think I was skipping work, and I doubt I would get lucky this time around.
However, as I was told, most of them were having some meeting downstairs.

As much as I was dreading it, I knew I had to go back to the kitchen. By the look of it, it was almost time to start making dinner.
I realized then how long I must have stayed in the corner and mentally cursed myself for being that stupid.

My nerves were wrecking up but I somehow managed to ignore them and carefully made my way to the entrance of the kitchen.

After the whole scene that happened not even a few hours ago, I already knew all eyes would fall on me and my news of my early return would spread around like wild fire.

And sure enough, for a second I was the center of attention but after a while everyone went back to work. Well, almost everyone.

Kedrick was looking back at me with eyes that showed genuine concern.
I found myself unable to look away as he slowly started to approach me.

He was now inches away from me and it was like the entire room fell silent and I found myself being more and more nervous of what he was going to say.

Just when I thought he would turn around and walk away, he finally spoke.

"I'm sorry, Kamala." He muttered and his head dropped in shame.

I didn't know how to feel about it. To be fair, I wasn't exactly mad at the guy. We weren't close enough for me to feel like he betrayed me or anything, but I couldn't help but blame him for the situation I was in.

" Are you okay?" He asked after a moment of silence.

No matter how I felt about him at the moment, I had to remember he was still my superior and I was still very much obligated to answer when he was talking to me.

"I-I'm fine." I said and mentally cursed myself for stuttering.

I didn't have a stutter, or at least I wasn't born with it. It was just something I developed over time. It was hard to not get a stutter when you were a maid. Especially, a maid with both a panic and an anxiety disorder.

"I really didn't think that would happen. I thought at worst I would get reprimanded. If I'd have known this would happen I would never make you help me." Kedrick exclaimed and his voice help an honest apologetic tone.

I wasn't mad at him. I had no right to be. He sounded really sorry and I didn't even get punished. However, I couldn't help but want to stay away from him from now on. A part of me felt bad that I didn't want to be around a person who seemed genuinely good . He was the only nice person I met in the building besides Sarah.


With all the shit in my life, I didn't have time to properly mourn. In my world, you didn't have time to mourn. The death of a maid was nothing special so taking time off duties for a simple thing as mourning was inexcusable.

"I-It's okay, Kedrick." I say quietly hoping he will just let me get back to work.
I don't want Warwick or any other chefs catching me in a conversation with him. Unfortunately, I wasn't so lucky.

"WHAT IS THAT CUNT DOING HERE?" The man's voice boomed throughout the kitchen.

And just like that, all the attention was back on me. I kept my head down as if I hoped he wouldn't see me.
Warwick grabbed me by the collar of the shirt and threw me so hard I came crashing down on one of the counters, severely hitting my head over the rough surface.

The pain was close to unbearable but it didn't stop there. Soon enough I felt a stinging sensation from the contact with my face. I was again grabbed by the hollar until I was inches away from Warwick's furious gaze.
"You fucking bitch! Did you think I was ever going to let you come back into my kitchen?"
He chuckled as he threw his first kick into my face.
Then another.

I looked around the room frantically, my eyes begging for any form of  help but all I got back were pitying stares. Some filled with concern. Some with amusement.

The next blow landed right on my stomach. I yelled out in pain and desperately clutches my body closer to my face.

It when Warwick took off his belt that I really started to panic. It only took a while as my thought were cut off when I suffered the first hit. I put my arms up to try and protect my face, but it was no use. The whip cut through my cheek and I did the only thing I could in the moment. Scream.

Just when I thought I was about to pass out, I heard a voice.
"Stop! Have you gone insane?"
A man pushed Warwick off my trembling body. Kedrick.

I was struggling to keep my eyes open as I was hopelessly clinging onto the light that kept me awake and therefore alive. I could barely hear the man that came to my defense since my world was slowly closing in one me.

"How dare you disrespect me like that, boy!" Warwick yelled and pushed Kedrick back a few steps.

He was about to add in another punch to my face when Kedrick pushed him off again.
This time Warwick wasn't so forgiving and aimed his fist and Kedrick but he dodged it and grabbed his wrist.

"Let me go this instant!" Warwick was practically fuming by now.
"I can't! You were about to kill her!" Kedrick called out, still not letting go of Warwick's wrist.

Warwick was struggling to get out but Kedrick wouldn't budge.
"That slave was breaking rules! I would be  within my rights to-"

"Shut up!" Kedrick cut him off, "I don't want to start a fight, but if you lay another hand on her, I will have to!"

"Who the fuck do you think you are threatening boy?" Warwick spit back but Kedrick still kept his face calm.

"You're not above me and I'm not above you! You don't have any power over me! And you wouldn't want the Don to hear about you keeping the staff from making him dinner because you couldn't keep your anger at sake because of, as you call her, a 'slave'." Upon hearing Kedrick's words and the mention of the Don, the remaining staff immediately snapped their attention back to cooking, leaving us three at the corner.

Warwick still looked furious, but he had nothing to say.
"Let her go and go back to your job." Kedrick's calm demeanor never flourishes to the point where it was starting to seem scary.

"Why are you protecting her? She's just a slave!" Warwick sneered and his gaze fell on my temporarily as he looked at me with disgusts before turning his attention back to the man who was temporarily holding his still.

"That's none of your business. Now, do we have a deal?"

"If I ever see that whore in this kitchen again, I'm not promising anything." Warwick exclaimed and with those words Kedrick let him go.

My mind could barely pay attention to the two men as the cut on my face still held it's pain. Yet, I heard the last part.
I was never going to be able to go to the kitchen again! Maybe Warwick won't hurt me for that, but the guards most definitely will! I had to do my job.
I would rather suffer hits from Warwick than from the mafia!

Tears sprung from my eyes as I realized my life was over. I would get killed either way.
Two arms wrapped around me and picked me up from my fatal position. Kedrick tried to make me stand up, but his attempts were feeble as I kept falling back down.

After a few more tries, he had enough and carried me out of the kitchen in his arms.
That's when my world finally vanished to the darkness..

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