Ch 16: Dragons call pt 1

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                            's been so long I forget how to spell character names. Are we letting that stop us? No!! Onwards with this book! Onwards I say! For Albion!


"Would everyone relax! I'm just meeting Gaius for the first time it's not a big deal. He forgot I was even coming."

"He did not." Lancelot laughed.

"Oh but he did. The man didn't even realize it was Wednesday." Merlin admitted.

"Sounds like Gaius to me." Gwaine nodded.

"Alright then, lead the way Merlin...follow yourself. Go on." Arthur shooed him.

"No, I don't fancy it. I already know what's going to happen. We're going to be doing this for ages if we have to follow me around every second. I think I'd much rather head up to Morganna's bed chamber. Maybe catch her changing into her night dress. Sun looks to be going down."

"Merlin! Don't you even dare!" Morganna glared.

The warlock grinned at her. "Why not? It'll be a great view. Much better sight than Gaius falling from the rafters. I've seen the view from my window a thousand times over."

Morganna grit her teeth spinning around to face Merrietta. "He can't do that. Tell him he can't do that. We are not here to see my past self disrobe!"

Merrietta tapped her chin with her wand red sparkles flying.

"Are you considering it?" Morganna looked ready to strangle the spirit of burn her alive if only she had her magic.

"Well, I have to say I'm more than a little curious to see what's under there myself." Merrietta grinned. "Merlin lead the way."

"Oh this is just asking to get ourselves tortured later." Lancelot complained.

"Yes, but it'll be worth getting our eyes gouged." Merlin smiled. "Morganna used to be beautiful before her heart shriveled like a raisin."

"Merlin!" Arthur exclaimed. "Don't tell me you had a crush."

"Okay." Merlin nodded. "I won't tell you."

"I'm going to kill all of you!" Morganna exclaimed enraged. "I swear to-"

"Uther." Merlin paled freezing in his tracks.
Morganna's past self was having a conversation with him about how wrong killing that woman's son was.

"Wow." Percival was surprised. "She did have a heart."

"Yeah." Merlin nodded. "Now she's just like him."

"People change Merlin." Morganna told him.

"I wish you'd revert back to her." Merlin nodded his chin to her past self. "Change again.  I miss when you were gentle. Now you just go around giving scars."

"You deserved every one you got." Morganna glared.

"Enough." Arthur looked between them. "Keep bickering and we'll miss hearing vital information."

"Your the last person who should tell someone not to bicker." Gwaine denied. "What do we do now? Everyone is turning in for the night."

"Merlin..." a disembodied voice called.

"What was that?" Arthur frowned looking to Merlin. His best friend didn't answer. Instead he was running down the stairs.

"Ooh! This is exciting! I love a good chase!" Merrietta grinned. Everyone scrambling to follow Merlin.

"Merlin, where the hell are you going?" Arthur demanded.

"I believe he's heading for the dungeons sire!" Leon exclaimed.

"Merlin you idiot! What are we going down there for..." Arthur trailed off as he set eyes on kilgarrah. The dragon still chained. Scales glittering gold.

"What a magnificent creature." Gwaine marveled.

"Getting tangled up in your past isn't wise Young Warlock," the dragon spoke. "You should no better I should think."

Lancelot looked around. There was no one else down here but them and the dragon. "Guys, I think he's talking to us. Like us us."

Merlin looked at the dragon. "Kilgarrah? Can you see us?"

"That I can, Young Warlock." Kilgarrah's gold eyes settled on Merlin. "That I can."

"And the plot thickens." Merrietta rubbed her wand together red sparks flying.

"What plot?" Arthur demanded.

Merrietta zipped her lips. Arthur groaned. Getting through the present was going to take forever.


Surprise! I'm alive and so is this fandom so we're gonna keep going with this book guys! Who's with me? You excited!? Thoughts on this chapter? You tell me!

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