Ch 10 pt 2!

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"Hey phoebe can i have a pen and some paper please?" Arthur asked suddenly as he still gestured for merlin to stay silent."Of course!" Phoebe said snapping her fingers giddily. Arthur wasn't yelling, arthur wasn't screaming, arthur wasn't crying, arthur wasn't confused or frustrated or betrayed! He looked rather calm actually he looked happy almost giddy as the quill floated into his hand along with a piece of paper. Suddeny arthur started writing. Merlin watched with trepidation as the quill moved in Arthur's hand across the paper rapidly. He had to say something. Had to try and win him over before it was to late. Make him understand that he didn't have a choice in the matter. Make him understand that he only ever used his magic for him to save his life and to save his kingdom.  "Arthur-" merlin started but that was all the not so secret anymore warlock could say before arthur cut him off. "Shut up Merlin i'm deciding your fate here and i need a bit of quiet..." Then he looked up at baby merlin nibbling on the cookie happy at his triumph. His smile grew slightly.  "That goes for you to ya little dragonlord" he mumbled before fixing the baby with a playful glare before going back to his writing.

Merlin squirmed under the gazes of the roundtable minus gwaine and lancelot. Lancelot gave him 'a what can you do?' Kinda look and gwaine grinned a full blown smile. Strength courage and magic the knight thought beaming at merlin. "Okay so this could be better and i'm probably going to have you polish it up when we get back but-here after you read it you can talk and say whatever" arthur said handing the piece of paper to merlin.he took it hesitantly as if it would harm him in some way. "Don't be such a girl merlin it's a piece of paper it won't kill you" arthur said grinning rubbing his hands together in excitement as merlin slowly, oh so slowly lifted the paper up to his face. He couldn't wait to see the look on his best friends face.

Merlin bit his lip probably drawing blood. This was it. Arthur ordered his banishment or his execution.... His destiny is over. Their friendship is over arth-wait what!? Merlins eyes bulged as his eyes read the actual words on the paper. Merlin suddenly made a slight choking sound and his head snapped up to arthur eyes as wide as can be. "Y-you mean it!?" Merlin said momentarily forgetting how to breathe. Arthur nodded. "Every. single. word." He said placing a hand on his shoulder. "Merlin whats it say don't keep me waiting i'm dying of sobriety over here" gwaine said smiling. Oh the mischief he and merlin could cause. The ale he could have. Not to mention the fun.

Merlin you are a prat,

I can not believe you didn't tell me you had magic. Your fired. You are the worst man servant/best friend any ruler of camelot could ever hope to have. I understand why you did it but still it was stupid and there was no need for it after my father died. Especially since i could have and possibly would have done this ages ago and it was an incredibly stupid law to begin with. I arthur pendragon ruler of camelot firmly decree that from this moment forth magic shall be welcomed back to camelot effective immediatly. Also merlin your court sorceror or dragonlord or whatever you want to call yourself . Oh and err sorry. (This part was crossed out but merlin could still read it.)

"So balinor is your father?" Leon asked eyebrows furrowing. Merlin sighed nodding. "Yes" he said as elyon gave him a slightly suspicious look. Gwaine noticing the look backhanded his fellow knight. He glared at gwaine and rubbed his head. Before the knights could say or do anything a panicked gasp could be heard. Merlin winced and his head snapped to phoebe. "Phoebe skip!phoebe fast forwards i do not want to hear this one! Phoebe! Hurry up!" Merlin said suddenly panicked as his hands slammed over his ears as his mother started crying yet again. "Bye baby merry" she whispered and with a flick of her wrist they fast forwarded yet again.
I couldn't wait so surprise and the next chapter is coming soon! I wonder why merlin started to freak? Guess you'll just have to wait and see.

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